Judge Me Now!

Class: Ubiquitous Computing for Mobile Devices

Professor: Dennis Crowley

A mobile based interaction game where you see if first impressions really count. Be judged and judge your peers right on your phone!



  1. Take a picture of a friend with your phone
  2. Send the picture + the person's name to judgemenow@gmail.com
  3. This person then has to send their name to the same email to "claim" their picture
  4. They will then receive a picture of someone else who is also in the game and ask to judge them
  5. You can then check how other people judge you

Here is an example of the message you get back on your phone once you start playing:










Judge Me Now!
Is this person "SEXY"?
1 = So NO!
5 = So so
9 = So YES!
Reply to judgemenow@gmail.com to anonymously judge the photo below.


How it was done / more details

After having two fellow ITPers come up to me asking me if I was a professor I started thinking about the first impressions we have of people and how we perceive ourselves in one way and other people see us in another way. Or sometimes you are simply not aware of the image you are presenting to the world.

It would be interesting to find out how other people see me... both people who know me/interact with me and people who just see me walking by.

Based on that I teamed up with Caleb and Joo-Youn to create a mobile app to explore this fact.

After some brainstorming, we came up with a game/social network/informative site.

The system has a MySQL database, some PERL to grab the incoming emails, and PHP for the logic.