Togi - a character I created to attract the kids to learn the basics of computer interaction by prompting them to touch the items on the screen.
The game has 3 levels:
1. Touch (Identification)
Togi tells the kid explicitly to touch the bed or the pizza
2. Eat-Sleep (Desire)
Togi tells the kid that Togi wants to eat or sleep
3. Tired-Hungry (Cause and Effect)
Togi tells the kid that Togi is tired or hungry
The levels are ordered by increasingly "complex" cognitive steps. From following instructions in level 1 to recognizing verbs in level 2 to making the association of a problem and its solution.
The game can be played using your mouse, right/left arrow keys or a touch screen.
The menu button gives you access to volume controls as well the level of the game.
This game went through several itterations and testing phases. Here are some of the notes I maintained during the development of Togi:
Here are the previous versions of Togi starting from the first one: