Arquivo mensais:outubro 2008
Lake Mead
Day 10
Going to start early today since the forecast is for snow where I'm
at… unfortunately I will have to skip Bryce and Zion National
Parks… the pictures look breathtaking but not going to do a 100 mile
loop through the parks in wet conditions.
To compensate that I am gong to go past Las Vegas and head northwest
to a town called Beatty where I'm going to meet Marc – he's riding up
from LA – we're going to spend the night there and then drive down
Death Valley National Monument – weather should be good.
Excited to start the journey down into Latin America soon 🙂
Ben Goode books
These past three nights while having dinner I've been reading some
small books that are part of the condiments rack on the table – all of
them by Ben Goode – with titles like "Some Things are Worse than Being
Older than Dirt" and "How to Cope When You are Surrounded by Idiots".
Great passtime while eating.
One part caught my attention – he's talking about how times are
"The traditional nuclear family, with a mother and father and 2.8
children, is gone. In it's place are families with 1.8 parents …
holding down 3.8 jobs per parent …"
Just thought it was interesting.
Photos and Videos Day 9
Here are the pictures and a video – long again but now that I figured out the right position and level for the mic I feel like talking and describing what’s going during the trip… let me know if I should make them shorter or if they are good like that 🙂
Day 9 – another stop
Another great day riding…