Arquivo do Autor: lucaslongo
It was a great journey
Pixel Park – Opening Pictures
Pixel Park
The school is called Institudo de Artes Interativas or Interactive Arts Institute.
iAi (eeh-ah-eeh) in Portuguese means “so?” in the sense of “what’s going on?”
Our slogan is a question.
iAi? Como funciona?
So? How does it work?
In any case, I met with Liana Brazi, Russ Rive and Marcelo Pontes fom SuperUber some months ago and we realized that their work and what I want to teach here at the school are completely in line.
They were looking for a space for their first self-signed exhibit.
I was trying to explain what I wanted to teach here at iAi.
I immediately offered the space. It was a perfect match!
Pixel Park starts next week – Aug 11 to 23!!
The setup is looking great!Veja também os videos das obras do SuperUber!
@ Google Developer Day
Great event – well organized.
Wave is awesome!
Android presentation was very buggy…
So I was showing off the iPhone…
Take a look at the rest of the pictures.
iAi novo site e novas datas!
Acabo de colocar no ar o novo site do iAi? Instituto de Artes Interativas!
Baseado no Ning – o site se tornou uma espécie de rede social tipo Orkut ou Facebook.
Como novas datas para o Curso de iPhone SDK – Xcode, Interface Builder, e Objective-C continuo com meu esforço de montar a escola!
iAi in the news!!
Another item about my school ( published, at my request 🙂
Mac Magazine thanks to Rafael Fischmann!
iAi web site is up!!!
Finally I put all the information in the right places and my school’s website is up!!
Will be translating it into English and Spanish shortly… for now here it is in Portuguese: