
So the drive to Yellowstone was VERY long – did 466 miles in one day – going fast to get to LA in time for my scheduled bike tune up – also because there is not much between stops in this region.
Went through one of the most beautiful stretches of road I have ever seen – Big Horn National Park – it literally put tears into my eyes!!
Yellowstone was not that impressive to tell you the truth – maybe because I was very tired when I got there. The Old Faithful Inn was very impressive – an all log building – supposed to be one of the largest wooden structures in the world – kind of doubt that – saw many larger structures all made of wood in Japan and China – but that’s not part of the “world” as far as Americans go 🙂
Today was brutal – snowing like crazy for the first two hours of the trip – first a little tense about the ice on the road but then saw that it was not freezing – but then not seeing the road was getting annoying – had to lift up the helmet’s visor and just take in the cold wind to be able to see.
Once I passed Jackson the snow stopped and it was all good.
I stopped in a town called Evanston, WY – the ride was interesting – kept crossing between state lines… Wyoming to Idaho to Utah back to Wyoming.
Tomorrow the forecast is more snow where I’m at but sunny in Salt Lake City so planning on an early start…
Stay put for some cool videos from yesterday and today 🙂

Um comentário em “Update

  1. Anonymous

    that is why going so quick, the growing cold! !
    you are problaby listening about economic troubles all over.have a good day! p

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