Quick post

Thanks for all the comments – here are some replies 🙂

– Marc and I thought of getting intercoms to talk while riding but
thought we were carrying enough equipment already and we rather listen
to music 🙂

– Going to document a little less of the road and a bit more of the
activities – even though 80% of the time is on the road 🙂

Today we're going to La Paz and go through some crazy burocracy to
cross to mainland Mexico. Baja is kind of a free zone so now we have
to do the temporary import of the bikes and try to get the ferry on
time – if they are running on time or at all 🙂

Day 18 – Catavina to Loreto Photos

Woke up really early today for some reason… intense dreams… so went out to take some pictures of Catavina… tested out the Nikon D90’s video capturing capabilities – in DH mode only about 5 seconds of recording. Could be that the memory card I am using is not fast enough for more. I then switched to 640×480 and then I got more time. The full quality of the video is quite amazing..

From Motorcycle NY to SP

Day 18 – Catavina to Loreto

So we have internet again – the ride from Catavina to Loreto was a
long and very hot one. We did around 410 miles today. Amazing riding
full with desert, twisties, beautiful ocean views…
Almost hit a dog on the way! Check out the video!!
Now in a very nice hotel in front of the beach trying to figure out our next move – we were going to get the ferry in La Paz to Mazatlan but it seems like the service has been canceled until further notice so we will have to get another ferry to Topolobampo. Will add a couple of days to the trip… Mazatlan is further south.
Oh well – all part of the adventure 🙂

Day 17 – Ensenada to Catavina

Another late start today but not our fault – well – a little.
We had to go through immigration and it took quite some time. First
the officer almost sent us back to Tijuana saying that we could only
do it there. I said almost involuntarily "Are you serious!?". His
stern reply was "Of course, I am the authority here!". After we
softened him up a bit by telling about our motorcycle trip, he talked
to his boss and allowed us to do the paperwork there.
We had to then go to a bank to pay the penalty for not having done
immigration in Tijuana. The first bank told us that they only received
that kind of fee on Wednesdays but the bank across the street might
take it – it did. I was worried that the banks weren't going to be
open at all!
In any case – we left Ensenada around noon. The scenery was beautiful.
The roads were pretty good.
We stopped for a quick break and met Jason. He asked us where we were
going and to our surprise his response was not the usual "wow that is
amazing!" but a very happy "ME TOO!!". He's San Francisco and is going
to be on the road for 2 YEARS! He's going to spend about 4 months just
in Mexico and then head south.
We then stopped at a "famous" place called The Old Mill to have lunch
– a great little off-road on the way there.
The last stretch of the day was from the Old Mill to Catavina – a
little town with a great hotel in the middle of the desert. Very cool
place. Going to take some pictures tomorrow.