Day 59 – Huaraz

So the excellent food in Peru backfired – Marc and I are both with diarrhea 🙁
We are both exhausted from yesterday’s ride and beat up from this slight food poisoning… we figure it was some “carne seca” we both ate a couple of nights ago…
In bed watching TV.
No riding today…

Day 58 – Chiclayo to Huaraz

Oh my god – absolutely exhausted, drained, but very happy!

Started at 11am and drove till 5pm through the desert with tiring
cross winds. We stopped for lunch in Trujillo where I ate too much.
Not good because we passed through a port town called Chimbote that
had an unbelievable stench that turned my stomach inside out, as well
as it’s contents 🙁
Around 5pm we took a left to start climbing up to Huaraz. The road was
absolutely stunning. Then The asphalt disappeared. Fun! 30 miles to
the town – no problem!
3 hours later, dark, exhausted, dizzy from the altitude (4,000m –
12,000ft), we arrived. We seriously considered camping on the side of
the road. As we entered town a cop pulled us over but didn’t even
bother asking for documents when he saw how tired we were 🙂
Now at the Andino Club hotel having dinner 🙂