Arquivo do Autor: lucaslongo


After a LONG day/week of preparing the deal, getting the apt, buying initial stuff, here are the first pictures of the apt!

Yes – that’s right – 27 1/2 is the number!


Stairs – 5 flights walk up – great for the legs!

Entrance door to the left – HUGE living room 😉

View from entrance door – those doors go into my room:

This is my room:

This is the other side of the living room – my room on the left and kitchen to the right, bathroom door right before the kitchen.

The bathroom:

Another look at the kitchen:

And the second (and smaller) bedroom:

Furnishing coming soon! Stay tuned 😉


As usual when she is around good things happen…

Appart from being her 30th birthday today, I finally got my apt!!

5 story walk up but nice 2 bedroom with tons of light and VERY close to school!!

I was also with her when I found out that I was accepted to ITP!!

And now her CD is finished and masterized! It is amazing!!

Also – got a new computer yesterday – the CD got stuck in the drive and the computer was not turning on so instead of leaving it there I asked for a new one and they gave me 😉 I love Apple – got back home – logged on to .Mac and synched my whole computer again… ok – iPhoto and iTunes library information was lost but no harm done…

In any case, SO HAPPY to be here! And even happier because my LOVE is here with me 😉


2 first groups presented their reactions to Acconci presentation.

1st group presented a high-tech solution where pictures of students were shown on the screen with the text they should speak. The content was typed in live by the team members using their laptops in the audience. The topic was the new tower that will replace the World Trade Center, and how Acconci might want to design those towers.

2nd group presented a totally low-tech solution – each memeber of the team presented their own skit with the central theme of Push/Pull-Public/Private that Acconci talked about in his architectural desires.

For the surprise lecturer – VIK MUNIZ!! A Brazilian photographer/drawing/sculpture artist. Came from a poor Brazilian familiy in Sao Paulo and started out as an advertising agent – and won a prize for it on his first year of work. When he left the prize awarding event he was shot in a random “rescue” he was attempting. Lucky for him this guy was rich and bought him a ticket to the US, where he has been for the past 22 years.

His new show in NY:

Pictures of Junk
Sikkema Jenkins and Co.
New York, NY
September 9 – October 14

Some quotes:

“Most FINE artists are quite ROUGH characters…”

“An artist only does half of the work – the viewer does the other half…”

Amazing lecture…