Here’s the video finally!
Arquivo do Autor: lucaslongo
I'm done!? ITP Complete!
Pocket Learning – live video and web site
Got a VERY simple site up and running to explain the project:
Pocket Learning – thesis paper done!
Thesis Update
Aiming to be finished this Thursday with the paper, presentation and working prototype.
iPhone Dev Bar Camp
This Saturday I participated in a Bar Camp – iPhoneDevCampNYC – at the Polytechnic University in Brooklyn which ran from 10 am to 6pm.
Digital Imaging Reset – Color Combination
Take 3 pictures using a red, a green, and a blue filter for each shot. Convert them to Black and White. Combine them in Photoshop using the Channels – Merge Channels – RGB method found in the channels tab (next to Layers usually). The best result was obtained by white balancing before and after combining the pictures.
DIY Flash Diffuser
Playing around with a flash diffuser I had here I home I decided to mount it on my flash in the simplest possible manner:
Digital Imaging Reset – Black and White
This week we talked about Black and White digital photography. Basically if you shoot black in white you get a photograph with higher resolution.