Yesterday was the first day of classes at NYU – the streets around Washington Square Park were bustling with students again – what a great (and often pretty) sight
It was great to see all the familiar faces – the now “old” and “respectable” second years! Even better was to see all the new faces of the first years – the fresh look of excitement, confusion and curiosity!
I went to three classes today – two of which I am already registered for and am going to take for sure – Computers for the Rest of You and Inclusive Game Design and one that will be hard to get into (too many people in the class already) – Sustainable Practices.
“What the hell!?? Are you guys on crack or something!?” – well – that’s the reaction I got yesterday when I went through the name of the classes I was going to take with a friend.
I love the names of these classes here… in any case, here’s the “translation” to the classes mentioned above:
Computers for the Rest of You – Dan O’Sulivan – we interact with computers with out hands nowadays – what happens and what can we use of our body to interact with them – heart rate, body language or movement, subconscious thoughts, and so on… this class is about doing that – tapping into other inputs and creating applications/data/art that reacts/displays/interprets them. Our first assignment is to read “Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness”, “Baars and Gage”, and “Power of Now” – well – at least take a look at the chapters that interest us – as well as looking at previous examples of works done in this class.
Inclusive Game Design – Amit Pitaru – in this class we will be working with people with disabilities and their occupational therapists to create games specially tailored for them. We will look at design techniques, game theory, usability, scoring methods and all other aspects of game design to be able to create effective and entertaining games and input devices catered for the disabled population. A very interesting first class – Amit, our professor is Israeli and a very interesting guy – one of those natural born speakers/teachers.
Sustainable Practices – Tom Igoe – a class that looks at the technical aspects of the “green” movement – environmentally friendly materials, enabling technologies, practices, and methods that can, will be and are being utilized to shift towards a sustainable ecosystem, project planning and execution. I am unfortunately wait-listed for this class and still have to sit into some other classes that I am deciding whether to take or not.
More class reviews coming soon
Arquivo do Autor: lucaslongo
This weekend I went to Recife to visit my best friends Alex and Lisa in Recife, Pernambuco in the northeast of Brazil. Their kids Max and Zoe were great and so much fun to play with – great kids! We went surfing on Saturday and did some tourism with the kids on Sunday.
Recife actually has the oldest Synagogue of the Americas! The Jewish Dutch who were there were eventually kicked out of Recife… they ended up traveling North to the United States and founded a city called New Amsterdam – a.k.a. New York City!! Just imagine if they had stayed in Recife… we could’ve had a great town! Heheheh… surely it’s not that simple but fun to play with that notion of “what if” we had been colonized by other people other than the Portuguese. Don’t get me wrong – I love the Portuguese – but their colonization of Brazil was always extractive as opposed to the US where people went to build a country. That’s why the US is where it is now and Brazil is where it is, even if it has a longer history.
In any case – here are the photos:
The Sphere House
Here is a quick video of my dad’s house here in São Paulo – yes, it is a true sphere Try not to get dizzy
The Farm
So… finally updated the blog with some pictures.
Went to the farm this weekend in Parana – more specifically in São Pedro do Ivaí.
Went to see the Alcohol and Sugar plant – always expanding and interesting to observe.
Took many pictures of the farm, the forest reserve, flowers, geese, and the Bonsmara cattle – a South African breed my grandfather started to raise.
Here are the pictures – all mixed up – the farm, the Bonsmara and the sugar and ethao plant.
After an uneventful flight down to Sao Paulo I found the city just as it was before… some new buildings, new shops – the usual. Met with Kim and then went to dinner with the Lyra’s, Vi and Dad at Nagayama – great food!
A little more travelling
Going to Brazil today to see my family and friends after a great but short week in NY.
Mark and Yaucha were here and we went for a stroll on the Hudson River Park and then ate some great food at Employees Only on Hudson and Christopher.
Feeling a little guilty about not taking pictures every day (and blogging for that matter) since I got back but I guess I needed a break – it was an intense schedule of roaming around finding interesting places to go to and photos to take. I guess since I am living here I take the scenery for granted and forget to look at NY with a tourist’s eye.
Münster – sculptures all around the city in September!
It is called the Skulptur Projekte, held every 10 years in Münster, Germany taking place now.
This international exhibition invites artists from all over the world to create new work specific for the event. Some pictures here.
It is running parallel with the Documenta12 in Kassel, from June 17 to September 30, 2007.
Google Maps Street View Video 2
Thanks to Forever Redeemed who pointed me to this video:
Idea for Google Maps Street View
Wouldn’t be too hard to do a Google Maps driving directions with Street View sequences for mobile.
Lower end cell phones would page through images of major landmarks or intersections.
Higher end phones (3G & GPS) would have an animated gif (sequence of images).
Google Maps on the iPhone does a step by step that looks very good and similar to what I am suggesting…
Ineresting article – Google bidding for airwaves
Google wants to built an open wireless network that would accept any device, cell phone or service.
AT&T and Verizon try to protect their interests by lobbying against Google’s proposals.
But I think it is a logical step based on the internet model… they want customers to access all they have on the web, but on a wireless network.
Cell phones already have full web browsers and broadband speeds , just wireless…
Why shouldn’t that be “open source” as well?
Much cheaper than laying down fiber…