APA Style

Just found out about APA Style – a format for academic documents such as research papers, journal articles, books, and so on.

For one of our assignments has to be written in that style. Found a Great tutorial here.

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Intro to Teaching

Professor: Sarah Wischnia

Course Description:

This course is designed for Master’s candidates who have little or no background in teaching but who are likely to enter positions in which they need to understand key concepts related to learning and teaching. The primary goal of this course will be to open up the “black box” of teaching and look into it analytically


Our first assignment was to shortly describe what we hoped for by attending this class:

“I hope to understand the basic principles behind teaching with this class – the real basic theories, what has been done and what can be improved.
I will be looking at it through the lens of a teacher and school director. I have a small school in Brazil (http://iai.art.br) that teaches mobile app development, UI design for mobile and programming for kids. I set up the courses but had only intuition as my basis to formulate the courses.
With this course I hope to be able to look at our course format and judge how effective they are and hopefully be able to improve them.”
In class notes: