Vaden Medical Center

Went to my appointment to get MMR vaccines and TB test… apparently “Triplice Viral” is not MMR. Strange that I do not have records of these vaccines since I’ve came to the US twice before to study… Anyway – all set now. Just have to get the result of the blood work and get the second shot in 30 days.

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Gallup Strength Finder

Took the Gallup Strength Finder as part of EdCareer’s program to prepare us better for the workplace.  You answer a series of questions and they determine your top 5 characteristics amongst 34 listed below. My top 5 were:

  1. Learner
  2. Achiever
  3. Self-Assurance
  4. Responsibility
  5. Restorative

Full Reports: Report and Action Plan

Very impressed with the results… key phrases I liked from the report:

  • You are energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence.
  • Your excitement leads you to engage in adult learning experiences—yoga or piano lessons or graduate classes.
  • This Learner theme does not necessarily mean that you seek to become the subject matter expert, or that you are striving for the respect that accompanies a professional or academic credential.
  • You feel as if every day starts at zero. By the end of the day you must achieve something tangible in order to feel good about yourself.
  • You know that you are able—able to take risks, able to meet new challenges, able to stake claims, and, most important, able to deliver.



Day off

Time for some fun. Went out with Matt Walker last night in San Francisco and today came up to Fort Brag to bring Dri 🙂

Stopped at Healdsburg – amazing little town.

Noam Gordon x2

Met up with Noam in person finally! We worked together in the past building Dial.Radio – a Firefox OS project – amongst several other design projects.

Went for some beers on Thursday at a local bar where apparently Elon Musk usually goes to. The bar is called “Antonio’s Nut House” – free peanuts guarded by a gorilla – peanut shells MUST be thrown on the ground.

Yesterday we ran into each other again at the park behind my house – he brings his dog every day – it’s one of the few parks that people let there dogs off the leash around here.

He was swinging at some tennis balls against the wall they have there so I joined in a little – hadn’t played tennis for quite a few years – my shoulder felt fine – maybe I should get back into playing again 🙂

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“Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) – common feeling amongst students since there are SO many things going on at the same time and you fear you’re going to miss out on something really interesting.”

Fact is, you ARE going to miss out on MOST things simply because you can only watch one thing at a time and there are SEVERAL events happening at any given time…

Yesterday – was not able to see a talk by Elon Musk about future technologies… today I’m not going to be able to see Elisa Villanueva Beard, the CEO of Teach For America talk about her experiences…

Just wish I had more time here!! kkk

It is mind boggling:

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APA Style

Just found out about APA Style – a format for academic documents such as research papers, journal articles, books, and so on.

For one of our assignments has to be written in that style. Found a Great tutorial here.

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Party on the Edge

Last night we went to a party (9-12pm) at the Stanford’s Canto Art Center – music, performances, food – bike valet service – all free for students. The most impressive though, is the museum itself and its collection. Apparently it’s the largest Rodin collection outside of Paris – 200 original pieces including The Thinker and The Gates of Hell.