Day 28 – Palenque to Chetumal

We saw the our first Mayan ruins today! Very impressive in terms of
size and how intricate the cities were – several buildings with many
divisions within.
We ran into two other motorcyclists from Texas riding BMW GS 1200
Adventures – nice guys – they were in Cancun for a wedding and were
heading back to the US.
The road was pretty straight and boring – swamps and flatlands all the
way pretty much – but it made for good progress. We did 320 miles
today leaving at 2pm and arriving around 9pm.
No major incidents apart from being stopped twice at Military check
points… they were looking for drugs mostly.
So we finally made it through Mexico! Tomorrow we do the actual border
crossing into Belize!

From Motorcycle NY to SP

2 pensou em “Day 28 – Palenque to Chetumal

  1. Anonymous

    watching you guys on the road makes (even) me feel like doing some byking too! may be i´ll borough yours and hit the road some day! 🙂 gonna do some diving in Belize? p

  2. Lucas Longo

    Let’s do it! Agente pega a moto do Tio George e faz um mini passeio de Reveillon 🙂 Ai vamos com carro de suporte e tudo mais! Vamos fazer diving amanha eu acho – hoje o dia estava horrivel… vou fazer o blog post logo mais

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