Intro Teaching – Week 9 – Reading Notes


The Politics of Teaching and Teacher Evaluation: What are the political hot-buttons in teaching? Who are the stakeholders and what are their perspectives? How should teachers be evaluated?


  1. Richardson, J. & Bushaw, W. J. (2015). Testing doesn’t measure up for Americans. The 47th Annual PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward Public Schools. Arlington, VA: Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll.
  2. Haertel, E. H. (2013). Reliability and validity of inferences about teachers based on student test scores. The 14th William H. Angoff Memorial Lecture.

Bring on a device (no need to read ahead):

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common Core State Standards. Washington, DC

Reading Notes: 

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