Intro to Teaching – Video Notes

Notes on the video were supposed to watch:

Video notes

Teachers shows pedagogical content knowledge  when evidencing the need to make connections to the student’s funds of knowledge. He is also teaching for higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy when eliciting analysis of the subject matter, evaluating its implications and even creating the reenactment of the trial.

1:31 “If you show connections. If you show how history repeats itself. If you show them  how history is still coming around even to the point that it affects you today”

Mr. Fischer – 8th Grade

      1. 2:53
        1. What we are going to study today
      2. 2:59
        1. Objective of the course – narration
      3. 3:10
        1. “Cross examination – we’ve done cases before” previous knowledge
      4. 3:37
        1. Input – lecturing about the facts
      5. 4:00
        1. Showing map – illustrating – situating story
      6. 4:30
        1. Asks questions to students – assessing what the students know
        2. Writes on the board the big ideas – modeling mind map
      7. 5:22
        1. Keeps pulling from students and scaffolding them to get out specific ideas
        2. Summarizes ideas on the board
      8. 6:30
        1. Bad handwriting
      9. 7:04
        1. Todo el mundo deven estar poniendo-se de pied neste momento
        2. Modeling the problem of communication
      10. 7:44
        1. You may sit down – classroom management
      11. 8:17
        1. How did you feel when I spoke Spanish?
        2. Eliciting emotions – affect
      12. 8:55
        1. Planning time – how to illustrate concept
        2. Preplan for when she would do it but let it flow
      13. 9:20
        1. Girl who stud up who did not speak Spanish
        2. Formattve Assessment?
        3. Had impact
      14. 9:33
        1. Reminds students how we are all different and that we have to respect each other’s differences
      15. 9:40
        1. Students prepare for the mock trial in groups
      16. 10:20
        1. They all bring something to the table
      17. 10:32
        1. You decide amongst each others who’s going to do what
      18. 11:00
        1. No leader, everybody was equal
        2. Communities of practice
      19. 11:06
        1. Facilitating / coaching / scaffolding
        2. Provided content for their examination
      20. 12:26
        1. Informal assessment
      21. 12:53
        1. Modeling opening statement
      22. 13:00
        1. I’m not going to do it for you – you know how to do it
        2. Independent practice
      23. Day 2 – 13:21
        1. Cannot teach without allowing the to ask questions as well
      24. 13:28
        1. Homework – independent practice
      25. 14:50
        1. Informal assessment
      26. 15:23
        1. Did not have help to much help from the teachers
        2. Worked independently
        3. Worked together – brainstormed
        4. Went out to do what we had to do
      27. Day 3 – 15:47
      28.  19:33
        1. Student speaks Spanish – transfer from the modeling example the teacher gave in classroom
      29. 23:22
        1. Summarizing what student learned – Bloom’s Taxonomy
      30. 24:10
        1. Debriefing
      31. 24:20
        1. We will continue to study
      32. 24:40
        1. Showing a real example of nowadays
      33. 25:00
        1. Anyone have any questions?
        2. Good job – great class
      34. 25:25
        1. Makes you think a little more
      35. 25:30
        1. Trial got all the information we already new and made it more realistic