Day 44 – Cerro Iglesias to Las Lajas

Still no Internet so another quick post from my iPhone using the cell
phone network data roaming.
Walked around the village where Kat is stationed at in the morning.
Cool stuff. They have just signed a contract with Tabasco to supply
We then went down the mountain to the beach. We got the last few hours
of sun and went into the ocean, played with a Labrador, adjusted some
things on my bike and had lunch.
I ate langostin al ajillo and was bitten several times by small ants.
One of them gave me a pretty good alergic reaction! Probably the
langostin. Never had an allergic reaction in my life!! My face swoll
up, I felt hot, my whole body was itching and my skin was full small
Got my medical kit out and read about allergies and took some Ibiprofin.
Swelling and itching came down after a couple of hours… Pretty
Now it's raining cats and dogs.
We're going to dinner once the rain stops at an Italian couple's place
close by once the rain stops.
Tomorrow heading to Panama City hoping the flights run every day to
Medellin 🙂

From Motorcycle NY to SP


11 thoughts on “Day 44 – Cerro Iglesias to Las Lajas

  1. Anonymous

    I think the alergy came from langostines.
    So, avoid them!
    Always enjoying reading about your trip.
    Kisses Suzana

  2. Anonymous

    Hi guys, hope u r better Lucas.
    Since we r on this subject,u must be very careful in South America with fruits – some of them,like mangoes and one type of papaya give terrible allergies…
    Take care. beijos, Norita

  3. Anonymous

    what is Kat? flying fom Panama to Medelin? no roads or no safe roads? mangoes and papaya you are used to; langostins probably. bjs p

  4. Raffaella

    Pics of the swollen up version of you please (for comedy’s sake)! 😉

    On that same note – hope you’re all better by now!

    O que sera que acontece se vc beber um suco de manga e papaya? lol

  5. Anonymous

    Ciao boys
    Rachel here…first time I am on your blog Lucas and must say I am very impressed. Truly enjoy reading about your adventures (you don’t write too much :=)), in particurlar reading about your moments of bliss, truly feeling and living the moment, and enjoying what is. And of course seeing you two in your sexy bike gear!
    Just arrived late last night in Zürich. After seeing you at La Lancha we went to Tikal – spectacular – then on to Belize, outside San Ignacio (thought about you guys a great deal on the drive there as the road was a feat for vehicle engineering even in good weather…I honestly don’t know how you did it on the bikes with the rain). (BTW – one of the kids at La Lancha had a few difficult falls the night you had the trouble, he was pretty scraped up and had broken some things on his bike so was happy to hear you made it back safely). Cross over into Belize went smoothly despite the fact that they confiscated our beer (though they did let us keep all of the hard stuff) and that Filippo needed a visa and had to travel a bit to obtain one…that gave all of us Americans a good laugh. In Belize Filippo and I went for a day long adventure tour through caves, rivers and jungles. Was a great experience. Then back at the jungle lodge we celebrated Obama’s victory. Was good fun with the group you met, no drama, (and, I might add, no more funny sounds through private parts :=)and we then met up with the larger group and my parents in San Pedro, Belize a couple of days later. Was a great time on Ambergris Caye, hotel was amazing, wedding was perfect, and I know everyone there felt a part of something special. Saying farewell to the fam and friends is always a bit tough but that’s life, and I must admit that I was happy to have some time for myself. Not easy to do in a large group of people you rarely see. Fortunately we found a flight directly from the Caye to Corozal then hired a cab to drive us back to Mexico to Playa del Carmen so we could catch the ferry to Cozumel. We actually wanted to go back to Tulum but the hotel we wanted was booked out so we stayed on our original plan. There I had a couple of days to just enjoy the sun, sea and my space before heading back. It was a fabulous 3 weeks filled with too many experiences and moments to digest all at once, so I will continue to enjoy them for some time to come. Having said this, am very happy to be back in Europe, to be back in my flat, in my own bed…I don’t even mind wearing my winter coat. During my absence the Christmas season has officially begin so the cold seems appropriate.
    Lucas – sorry to hear about your allergic reaction and glad the asprin helped.
    Marc – thought about you when I passed Teuscher today. will write you as well on your email (as if I haven’t written enough here!)
    Will check daily on your adventures and take a moment out each day to send both of you loving and peaceful energy so you can enjoy all moments of this trip and what is…I will try to do the same in my daily life.

  6. Uau…very impressed by
    Kat’s way of living and volunteer work..amazing.Awsome young women.Trip goes on fantastic..take care.Kisses Vi

  7. Marcos

    yeah Benadryl is amazing stuff,

    The video of Kat and you guys treking thru the villiages was amazing.


    I truly feel privileged, it is as if i am transported there, even if it is only for a few mins at a time. Tell Marc thanks for sharing his friends with us. It has made the adventure even MORE interesting.

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