Mobile Photography Tutorial Application

A mobile application with tutorials for taking better photographs with your mobile phone. A web site to process your images, manage them, and share with small groups of people in your group.


An application on your mobile phone that gives you assignments to improve the quality of the pictures you take with your cell phone.

The application will analyze the “best” picture you took for that assignment and suggest improvements to it.

These suggestions or tips, depending on the assignment, will be automated or receive feedback from the members of your group.


teaching, mobile, application, software, photography, web 2.0

External Project Link

Personal Statement

I have worked for a long time with mobile applications and believe that they still have not been explored to the maximum of its potential as a tool to facilitate new forms of interaction.



People who own a camera-phone and is interested in taking better pictures with them.

User Scenario

Sign up – user gives us information about the cellphone or photo device they are using.

Assign to groups – user is informed that a group of 10 other people will be his “classmates” – they will critique each other’s work. Grouping people into smaller groups facilitates the task of “grading” the assignments and commenting on composition, quality and content.

Receive assignments – the assignments are sent out to the user’s cellphones. Each assignment has a specific goal it is trying to achieve. The pictures will be evaluated according to these goals.

Complete assignment – the user takes several pictures and then selects up to 3 pictures to submit for review.

Review – the application will evaluate the incoming pictures and make suggestions on how to improve the image according to what the content of the assignment was. In some cases the final part of the assignment is to comment and analyze the photos of your group according to the goals of the assignment.The reviews will be either using multiple-choice questions or voice recordings with comments.

Web – on the web you can go over your assignments, read comments made on your pictures and check your progress within the course.


Mobile application – the interface the user will see on the phone. Have to figure out how to access the features of the camera in the phone.

Web – interface to sign up for the classes, show user’s work and interact with their classmates.

Curriculum – design what is going to be taught in each class.



How People Learn – Donovan Bransford Pellgrino
Wireless Generation
Bob Tinker – Concord Consortium
Exploratorium (C.I.L.T)
Low Residency Programs