First Entry

First blog for me… lets see if it becomes a habit…

Figured friends and family back home might enjoy reading some news about what is going on here… even thought that is quite an ego-trip to think that all will be interested in what I am doing here…

In any case – today was the first day at ITP – student orientation at least – very interesting crowd of people – everything from musicians, dancers, writers, electric engineers, designers, computer scientists and some random people of course…

Almost half international – Korea being the most represented country… 2 other Brazilians – a girl from Rio and a guy who I did not get a chance to meet yet… + 2 other people who actually speak Portuguese – a Turkish girl whos name I will remeber soon – lived in Brazil for about a year – says it was the best year of her life… and another guy who’s mother is brazilian – and cousing with Fabio Laniado who went to school with me at Graded!!

Small World…

Bought almost all of my toys already – MacBookPro 15, Specialized Tarmac Expert – full carbon road bike, and Rollerblades…

Still thinking if I should buy the Apple Cinema Display 30″, an extra hard drive for backup, and a Canon EOS 30D… lets see…

Well… that is it for now 😉


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