Category Archives: Personal

Bike Stolen #3

Woke up to this:


This should’ve been there…

in some of the pictures the bike has no fenders… PLEASE keep an eye out for it… already filed a report with the police and am searching Craigslist and eBay for it… so sad…

Not the first time… this bike of mine was stolen in NYC:


And this attempted bike stealing episode! I was having lunch and saw the guy sneak into the garage, get my bike, mount it, and try to run away. Too bad I didn’t catch him.

All Electric Week

1. Adriana’s tricycle is still going strong with no problems, as Kim attested:

2. Tesla launched the new Model 3, priced at US$ 35k, before rebates. Very nice… dream car.

Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 5.06.56 PM.png

3. Took my bike to the shop and came out with the Specialized Turbo bike to test for 2 days. Very cool guys at Calmar Cycles!

The ride is amazing – you feel like superman zooming by even the fastest road bikers. Unfortunately they limit the top speed to 28 mph (45 km/h).


4. Not to mention the constant sightings of Google’s self-driving electric car!

Jewish Contemporary Museum – NEAT exhibit

On Sunday drove into the city with Omair to visit the Drop-In Art Studio’s Maker Art and Mini Expo featuring Stanford’s LDT student projects. Unfortunately we got there a little late and weren’t able to see much. BUT we went upstairs and saw the NEAT: New Experiments in Art and Technology exhibit. Very ITP-like stuff (interactive/technological art)

Here’s a quick video I made: