Day 32 – Gucumatz to Coban

LONG day! Woke up really early to patch Marc's tire – went pretty
smoothly – we found the puncture and patched it with a little help
from Eduardo, Moira's helper – and then we hit the road.
The sun was intermittent throughout the day, the roads were very good
and the scenery was very nice – jungle mixed with some mountains.
We had to take a round about route to get to Coban since the direct
route was flooded. Turned out that we had to take an even longer route
since one of the roads we were going to take was unpaved. 100 miles of
unpaved road plus the rain plus the risk of a flat tire and the fact
that it would get dark soon made us decide to go through the much
longer but paved route.
It was our longest ride so far – 350 miles in one day – starting
around 10am and stopping at 8pm with an hour lunch break.
The final stretch to Coban was very twisty but must be gorgeous – we
will find out today on the way to Lake Atitlan.
The temperature dropped dramatically as well – we are at 4000 feet now.
Off to a meeting with the non-profit organization Marc is working with
and then hit the road again.
Photos and videos still to come – waiting for a good internet

From Motorcycle NY to SP

One thought on “Day 32 – Gucumatz to Coban

  1. Anonymous

    in fact i was wondering why such a big detour, on the map tracker. 350miles a day is quite a tour de force! p

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