Monthly Archives: September 2008

KTM Adventure 990 installing Scotts Steering Damper

This weekend Marcos and I installed a steering damper for my motorcycle – it is a shock absorber for the steering.

It was a little painful at the start without the correct tools but once we got them it was great… well – apart for my clumsiness – dropped an allen key and another small piece inside the engine, so had to remove both tanks off the bike to look for them 🙁
Great feeling to do work on your own machine though 🙂


A happy customer :)

Begin forwarded message:

> Hi Lucas and Corey,
> I just wanted to let you both know that I thought the driveby on
> thursday was incredibly well done. I don’t think it could be a
> harder challenge to present such a HUGE subject in only an hour and
> to such a diverse audience. I thought the presentation you gave was
> absolutely perfect and really took into consideration everyone in
> the room and what the itp community wants. Way to go !
> I was really impressed.
> just thought I’d share…
> thanks and enjoy your sunday!
> taylor

Burning Man

Words are not enough to describe it all.

The photos are not able to capture the energy.

The videos show fragments of the experience.
The few basic rules – have fun, share, don’t litter, let yourself go, and explore!
It is an adult’s playground. 
Spontaneous organization.
All tribes, all kinds, all costumes, all ideals – one community.
Survival conditions brings everyone to a common denominator. 
The benevolence is fantastic.
Negative energy is left behind. 
You can make what you want of it. 
If you want to wake up early, do Yoga, get a massage, bike in the middle of the desert, talk to complete strangers, participate in events, party all night and the next day, and then look at some impressive art work, installations, mutant vehicles and so gigantic sculptures – you can.
All in a days at Burning Man.