Day 43 – Manuel Antonio to Cerro Iglesias, Panama

Woke up really early to take some pictures of Manuel Antonio and take
a dip in the ocean.
During breakfast I realized that last year while I was in LA I swam in
the Pacific Ocean for the first time!
We started early and did the dirt road again (fun) back to the
Panamarican Highway (boring).
The border crossing was very smooth. Probably the easiest one so far.
We then stopped for some groceries and headed up the mountain into an
indiginous village in the Comarca Ngabe-Bugle – the second largest
indiginous group in Central America after the Mayans!!
After asking for “la gringa” we met Kat – Marc’s friend who is
volunteering here with the Peace Corps.
She welcomed us into her “humble abode” where we chatted into the
night and drank two bottles of wine 🙂
Camping gear out!
Marc chose to sleep on the hammock which on the first try proved to be
loose on one of the ends. With a big thump he fell to the ground and
we all started laughing histerically.

From Motorcycle NY to SP



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