E-Trike ready!!

Initial mounting without the casing:

Now with the casing:


Tomorrow if it is not raining again, I will test it and film it on the road.


Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital

This is a GSB (Graduate School of Business) MBA class I got in… interesting first day with guest speaker Mike Maples

I am not sure I will take this class… my class load is impractical at this point and want to concentrate on the education courses – do them well.

This Thursday there will be another class and I will have also had taken the other classes I’m registered in for the first time.

By Friday I have to make a decision.

Brazilian Education – Week 1

Given the feedback from last quarter the teachers decided to discuss with the students how could we improve the the class, having more discussions and engagement with the content. Since each week we’ll have a different lecturer, it will be up to the lecturer to design this activity.

So the class today was a short overview of what content they want to cover and how might we do that.

Just occured to me that this is the hardest part about teaching well – is preparing a class activity that is engaging and participatory – instead of a mere lecture. Lectures are interesting but can be compared to watching TV… 5 minutes later you forget… unless you are deeply engaged with the subject matter and the stakes are high. When the stakes are low, you might want to establish a more interactive engagement.

Could a presentation software with some coaching do the trick?