Tech 4 Learners – Week 6 – Reading Assignment



“The New Coviewing: Designing for Learning through Joint Media Engagement” by Lori Takeuchi and Reed Stevens – December 8, 2011


The main research findings can be summarized by the phrase “What goes on between people around media can be as important as what is designed into the media”

What strikes me the most about the article is how little attention has been given to this interaction the design process and creation of media. “Interactive TV” has been a promise for a long time, maybe because it fostered to the interaction between an individual and the content such as voting interactions, choose the ending, choose what film will play and so on. I would even go further a TV show that prompts for social media interactions is still not fully aware of JME potentials. Not only the educational potentials are missed but I believe that this construct could well be applied to marketing and sales where a piece of advertising or merchandising is more effective the more it engages the viewers in JME.

Circling back to education, I think that this is a breakthrough. What if traditional courses on TV were designed with this framework in mind? What if their declared purpose was to be watched with someone else? Would remote learning be more effective? I truly think so.

It seems like this framework has been explored minimally up to now. Maybe some app developers and websites are already thinking about this or catering to this phenomena yet I have seen little evidence that it was part of the original design process of the product.

I see great potential for TV Apps that are coming with the release of the new AppleTV OS. I can imagine educational products designed from ground up using the JME design principles and implemented in a medium that is more naturally social than mobile phones, the TV, and provide direct and individualized interaction in a group setting where each member has a full input device with them – their iPhones or iPads.

Ok – so maybe if you compare the new AppleTV with game consoles, there is not much innovation in terms of the in-room dynamics yet the huge app development community and the lower barrier to entry on AppleTV in comparison to game consoles, will probably create in-medium factors that will enhance JME and create much richer and engaging learning environments.


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Tech 4 Learners – Week 5 – Class Notes

Worked some more on generating ideas today.

Project with OMS taking the following shape:

Needs Statement

“A” is a shy pleaser who needs to practice creating his own words in order to facilitate him communicating with others.


Stimulate “A” to generate words by watching engaging videos he can relate to.

  1. Teacher explains that they are going to play a game of making the video even better by adding new  words to it.
  2. Teacher selects a video of interest from YouTube
  3. Teacher puts headphones on herself and starts a narrating session to model the behavior.
  4. Teacher puts headphone on A so that he can listen to the video with the narration.
  5. Teacher prompts A to do his own recording and starts a narration session.
  6. A listens to narrated video.
  7. Option to save session or go again.
  8. A is prompted to choose another video to narrate

Questions to ask:

    • Does he follow any sport on TV?
    • What does he like to watch on YouTube?
    • Does he verbalize while watching videos?
    • Is he comfortable wearing headphones?
    • How well does he type?
    • How well does he use an iPad on his own?
    • What Apps does he use if any?
    • Does he listen to music?
    • Does he sing?
    • Can he describe objects when prompted?
    • What are ‘easy’ things for him to do?
    • What are the things that seem ‘hard’ for him to do?
    • Does he say no when he does not want or like something?

Some initial videos:

Harlem Globetrotters

Hot Wheels

Back up plan: 

Cartoons where he will fill in the blanks typing in the missing text then repeating what he wrote.

Hot-Wheels-1 Hot-Wheels-2

Tech 4 Learners – Week 5 – Reading & Assignment



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Submit 3 paragraphs synthesizing the article. Describe the big idea, articulate any questions or concerns it brings up for you, and reflect on how it might inform the design of a learning tool.

Bonus: can you think of a time when you yourself developed an interest in this way?  After submitting, take five minutes to read the responses of other students (if you’re first, you might have to come back later”.  “Like” anyone whose story is similar to your own experience.


The big idea I got out of this article is that levels of interest can be more easily categorized, described, measured and improved if the described Four-Phase Model of Interest Development is utilized.

The model’s main hypothesis is that the interaction of affect and knowledge along with positive feelings and opportunities are key factors in developing “well-developed individual interest”.

The model makes a distinction between “situational” and “individual” where the first involves interaction with the environment and the latter involves an internal initiation.

Each phase is further broken down into “triggered and maintained” and “emerging and well-developed”.

Situational Interest Triggered Short-term – affective & cognitive processing – aroused by external environment
Maintained Focused attention and persistence – project based learning, group work…
Individual Interest Emerging Predisposition to seek repeated reengagement – starts asking questions
Well-developed Enduring predisposition – develop own theories, seeks further sources of information – research

The model seemed to have quite a practical approach in offering a framework to measure levels of interest in learners. The way that affect and knowledge were intertwined, dependent and mutually feeding made tremendous sense to me.

A personal example: paragliding.

  1. Triggered Situational Interest: a friend told me about paragliding and showed me some pictures. I felt like it was something cool to experience but knew nothing about it.
  2. Maintained Situational Interest: we went to the launch site and I watched him fly and played around with the equipment on the ground
  3. Emerging Individual Interest: I finally did a flight on my own and started asking more questions about flying, techniques to stay up in the air, risks and emergency procedures.
  4. Well-developed Individual Interest: 30 years later, I am planning on taking lessons and buying my own equipment to start flying as a real hobby.

Note that in the past 30 years I did not seek to fly on my own.The interest level regressed to the situational interest since, when provided with the opportunity (trip to Cape Town for example), I engaged in a tandem flight.

While reading the article I also loosely correlated the 4 phases into:

  1. Kindergarten- expose to information and hopefully we arouse interest
  2. Middle and High School – engage in activities and explore interests
  3. College/University – choose a field of study and engage repeatedly with subject matter
  4. Graduate School / Doctoral Programs – enduring predisposition to reengage

This model could be used to assess interest generation potential of features within the design process of learning tools. You could design the tool to offer specific content/activities directed to each phase of interest the learner is at. You could classify learners into each phase and attempt to ‘promote’ them to the next level with the appropriate actions.

Tech 4 Learners – Week 4 – Assignment Visit 1


Submit at least one response per group.  Please include the following:

 Team Name, Your Names

_________________  (Adjectives, Noun) needs to _____________________ (Verb),

(because/while/surprisingly) __________________________________________________.

How might we __________________________________________________?


S.A.L. (Soren, Alex, Lucas)

  • “A” is a shy pleaser who needs to practice creating his own words in order to facilitate him communcating with others. 

Previous versions

  • Achu needs to express himself because today, without expressing himself, he cannot advocate for himself, and communicate with peers, caretakers and educators, and he cannot advance his learning.  How might we find new ways for Achu to express himself?
  • Achu needs to verbalize his thoughts because today, without verbalizing his thoughts, he cannot advocate for himself, and communicate with peers, caretakers and educators, and he cannot advance his learning.  How might we find ways to support Achu to verbalize his thoughts?
  • Achu needs to initiate conversations because today, without initiating conversations, he cannot advocate for himself, and communicate with peers, caretakers and educators, and he cannot advance his learning.  How might we find ways to support Achu to initiate conversations?
  • Achu needs to produce more words because he will get better at getting from thought to word formation. How might we find new ways for Achu to produce more words?
  • Achu needs to initiate activities on his own, because he would be able to practice and learn more, and derive more pleasure from things, How might we help Achu initiate more activities on his own?
  • Achu needs to be supported in initiating activities, because by initiating activities (reading, doing etc.) he would be able to practice and learn more, and derive more pleasure from things, How might we support Achu to initiate activities?
  • Achu needs to feel that he can initiate activities in a comforting way/without being judged, because Achu wants to please and he might be afraid that others will be mad at him if he does somoething they do not like.How might we help Achu feel more confident that he will not displease anyone with new activiites?

How Might We

  • HMW help him say more words
  • HMW motivate him to want to communicate
  • HMW stimulate him to produce original words 
  • HMW make him comfortable sharing words with others
  • HMW make him feel like his words have value

Tech 4 Learners – Week 4 – Reading Assignment


Choose, and read, any two project reports from the LDT 15 collection on the Stanford Digital Repository (  In preparation for class, consider the following questions:

  1. Who needs to learn what?  Why?
  2. To what extent did this solution address that problem?
  3. How did the author(s) leverage research to inform, inspire, and perhaps justify the problem and the project?


“Aptitude”, Bryan Quintanilla, 2015 – report | video

“Training Computer Science Instructors”, Mikala Streeter, 2015 – reportproject


Tech 4 Learners – Week 4 – Reading Assignment


This week, we will discuss Carol Dweck’s (2007) The Perils and Promises of Praise.   In 2-3 paragraphs, share your thoughts about what the big idea is, and why it is important.  How might this idea impact how you think about the design of a learning technology?



The big idea of the article is that praise should not be given simply for the sake of praise – it should be more towards constructive criticism rather than simply ‘giving a star’ and saying that the person ‘is’ good/great/intelligent.

Praising a kid for being smart seems to introduce the notion that ability alone leads to performance, and that actually putting in effort or being perseverant has no affect on your status quo. Praising the work a kid put into the homework for example, leads them to value their attempts instead of reinforcing the notion that they are stuck at a certain performance level. 

I related this piece with laziness, lethargy and a ‘why bother’ attitude that infects our human nature. If you’re not ‘number one’  why should one even try to get closer if they will only get praise once they get there? To know that you will get no praise or positive reinforcement along the way it truly unsettling, especially if ‘getting there’ seems unachievable at first. 

It’s meritocracy in place of ‘judgment day’. 

It’s valuing the process and not only the final result. 

This is a fundamental concept that if applied correctly, has shown significant immediate results and hopefully provides long-lasting, life changing results. 

LX Designers should incorporate this intrinsically in their process and remember that this probably works not only with kids, but of human beings in general, of any age, culture or social status. It talks to our inner most motivation (or lack of) to become a better person, to learn more and to progress in life.

It dispels the notion that your condition is immutable and that you have control over your mind, and therefore your life. It is possible to go from a fixed to a growth mindset. 

Powerful 🙂