Monthly Archives: December 2015

Learning Environments – Week 10 – Assignment

A little late but here is my response to Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Opressed”

“In order for this struggle to have meaning, the oppressed must not, in seeking to regain their humanity (which is a way to create it), become in turn oppressors of the oppressors, but rather restorers of the humanity of both” p. 28

The idea that the oppressed become the oppressors is a powerful one and evidenced throughout history. It is actually happening now in Brazil with the workers party which when finally got into power, became corrupt themselves and geared all their efforts to stay in power as opposed to attempting to regain the country’s humanity. “Their ideal is to be a man; but for them, to be man is to be oppressor.” 

Yet the problem is deeper and engrained in the educational system which has been lowering standards to enable children to “progress” within the school system without effectively progressing in learning – similar to the “No Child Left Behind” here in the US. Critical thought must be taught to the students, which implies you must teach the educators to do so as well, or else it simply fails. By lowering standards, you perpetuate an oppressed workforce who is incapable of thinking critically and therefore deprived of a chance for instigating change. 

“The pedagogy of the oppressed is an instrument for their critical discovery that both they and their oppressors are manifestations of dehumanization.” 

“Education as a practice of freedom – as opposed to education as the practice of domination.”

Intro to Teaching – Final Paper

Lucas Longo – Dec 5, 2015

Description of the Lesson

Mr. Fischer’s lesson utilized several pedagogical techniques to enhance the learning objectives, stated at the beginning of the class. The lesson started out with giving students input about the subject with some direct teaching and lecturing (3:37). The teacher pulls from previous knowledge the students poses when mentioning cross examination (3:10) and recalling that the have done this process before. Asking the students questions about the case, the teacher assesses informally their knowledge and summarizing what is being said in the class on the blackboard by drawing a mind map. Scaffolding the students with prompts, probes and further questions, the teacher was able to extract deeper and more precise responses.

Mrs. Gomez then switched gears into an interesting activity of following her directions in Spanish. She was able to model to problem of communication, identified during the class activities, effectively and realistically. She was able to generate an affective response from the students (8:17) allowing them to feel what the problem was and hopefully promote metacognition. This activity was preplanned by the two teachers and showed a great level of PCK application to the lesson – they understood the content and created interesting ways to convey this to the students.

In preparation for the mock trial, the students broke out into groups. They moved from independent practice they’ve had with the content towards guided practice. After organizing themselves into the roles each wished to play, they discussed the subject matter with each other while the teachers moved from group to group facilitating discussion (9:40), assessing informally their knowledge about the subject and coaching them towards the trial. The teachers understood the concept of ZPD providing scaffolds for the students while not overdoing it by giving out all the answers. “I’m not going to do it for you. You know how to do it” (13:00). This activity then culminated in the actual reenactment of the trial and a debriefing session to summarize what the students had learned from the exercise.

Application of Course Content

Instructional Planning & Assessment

The teacher’s objectives for the lesson seem to be to illustrate to the students the importance of history and the connections that can be made with the present through the law and the court systems. They wanted the students to understand how does the US Supreme Court’s decisions in the past affect our lives today and how labour is an important aspect for understanding our past. By exposing the students to the Amistad case, topics about slavery, justice, and communication were covered, even if indirectly.

The teachers planned the instruction with care with distinct types of instruction starting ranging from direct teaching, prior knowledge assessment, group discussions, facilitation, modeling and peer-to-peer teaching. We can say that the lesson moved effectively up the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy starting by recognizing and recalling facts about the case, understanding what the facts meant, applying and analyzing these facts in order to prepare for the trial, evaluating what was important or not and finally creating the mock trial reenactment. A full progression that visibly engaged students.

The teachers used informal assessment to judge if these objectives were met. By creating the mock trial exercise, they were able to understand how well the students grasped the subject. An important part of this assessment was conducted throughout the group sessions where the teachers could hear and interact with the student’s knowledge by facilitating their discussions. There was no formal assessment in the sense that there was not a test nor a written documents each student had to present.

Knowledge for Teaching

The teachers did show a wealth of content and pedagogical content knowledge in preparing for this lesson and teaching it. Their content knowledge about the Amistad case was necessary to be able to explain the case, focus on key issues, and provoke thought and questions about relevant facts. Without this knowledge they would not be able to guide the students in the process of creating the mock trial.

In terms of pedagogical content knowledge, the teachers understood the benefits of utilizing several techniques to pull from the student’s previous knowledge, elicit content association, and even draw upon their funds of knowledge. A great example of this was the activity where instructions were given out in Spanish – it situated them in a context that might very well be present in everyday life. It was so effective that it caused transfer when the student, playing the lawyer, used the same technique to ‘prove’ that the witness did not speak Spanish.

Their PCK extended to having the students model the trial, preparing for it using independent practice, group activities, and metacognition. At the end of the video one of the students summarized it well saying that the ‘trial got all the information they already knew and made it more realistic’. Without PCK, I believe the teachers might not have been able to crate such a rich experience for the students.


The lesson included several ways for the students to engage, process, and construct ideas with the content. They obviously read about the case before coming into class, heard a lecture about the case, responded to the questions the teachers posed, worked in groups to dig deeper into the content, were scaffolded during the process of preparing for the trial, and finally created and enacted the trial to expose what they had learned. This diverse set of activities ensured that the students had several opportunities to engage with the content, ask questions, and absorb the content throughout the exercise.

An important part of their differentiation technique was illustrated in the group activity where the students were learning from their peers while being scaffolded by the teacher’s facilitations and interventions. The trial also aided in the sense that the students were able to observe each other’s performances which illustrated facets of the issues based on in-depth analysis of each other’s roles in the trial.

Language and Culture

The teachers were able to build off of and support the students’ community and cultural knowledge by choosing the case to be studied. The Amistad case dealt with issues that were culturally and historically relevant to the class since the majority of the students were African American and Latino, including the teachers themselves. With this, the subject matter was directly relevant to the students and taught them about their heritage.

English Language Development was supported by the teachers by showing the students the effects of not knowing another language and the communication problems that it entails. They were aware that some students did not speak Spanish and used this to their advantage and illustrate this point. They also explained in Spanish some concepts to a student who needed it. The other students also were shown helping each other in Spanish to clarify some concepts. In this sense, the whole classroom culture was geared towards accommodating for bi-lingual students.

Classroom Management and Engagement

The classroom was well managed and the students well behaved, showing that the teacher had established control and respect. The norms of engagement seemed to be well established in the sense that students were comfortable in participating, answering questions, and working in groups. During the group activities, the teachers walked around verifying if there were any doubts, encouraging them to ask questions, share with their neighbors, and discuss their ideas. The teachers also allowed great freedom for the students in promoting individual and group decision-making, making them think and build upon each others knowledge.

The group activity also allowed for the teachers to mediate discussions, reflect on the subject matter and finally demonstrate what they had learned in the mock trial. They also ensured that they worked with the students to draw out the underlying issues about the case as well as making sure that they were able to follow the mock trial’s proceedings and constraints.

By ‘making it real’, they were also able to obtain full class engagement and participation. The students were clearly interested in the subject matter and put in real effort in making sure that everyone in the team was on the same page, had no doubts, and were sure about what they had to do. To the mock trial was a formidable way to assess the students knowledge and keep them motivated to present their best work.

Overall analysis of the strengths and weaknesses

The greatest weakness of this lesson I found to be the debriefing session. Granted that we might not have been presented its entirety in the video, yet it seems like it was short and shallow. I would have spent more time with the group trying to pull out what they had learned, what they had found most interesting, and what they felt about the lesson’s structure. I would also have attempted to summarize what was learned and trace back to the learning objectives along with what the teachers felt they had learned from the exercise.

The greatest strengths of this lesson were the multiple ways in which the students and teachers engaged with the content. It was not simply a lecture that exposed the students to the Amistad case and then tested them formally on what they could recall. The teachers created activities that engaged the students deeply with the content. The mock trial was a big motivator in the sense that every student participated in the activity, contributed to the task at hand and, through self investigation, deepened their knowledge about the subject at hand. The teachers were also very attentive to all students and were able to access the students’ ZPD by providing scaffolding and facilitation so that they could reach a level of understanding high enough to create and act out the mock trial.

Particularly, I was pleased to see how the teacher noticed one of the students, who did not speak Spanish, stand up following the cue from her peers, instead of truly understanding the instructions given to do so in Spanish. From the simple fact that the teacher noticed this action, I believe that in some minor way, might have acted as an informal formative assessment. This observation might cause the teachers to reflect and adapt their instructions on this task – they might say explicitly that you should only follow the instructions you undeniably understand. Yet I also feel there was a missed opportunity there for the teacher to ask the girl who stood up, why she stood up, and use that to demonstrate social pressures that lead to involuntary or automatic reflexes while in a community.

I was also pleased to see that there was absolute no mention of a test, grades, common core, or any kind of formal assessment. This shows that the teachers might be aware of reports such as 47th Annual PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward Public Schools which shows that there is too much emphasis on standardized testing.

Finally, the lesson was an absolute success if we analyze it using the “Identification of Evidence-based Practices” framework (Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, & Sugai 2008). The use of two teachers instead of one along with a well organized and reasonably sized classroom attended to the needs of maximizing structure. Clear rules were stated, revised, monitored and enforced. One clear example was when the teacher interrupted the mock trial to correct a procedural sequence the students missed. The teachers also offered plenty of Opportunities to Respond (OTR), Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT), along with some Direct Instruction. There was no evidence of the use of Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) nor Guided Notes yet they could have been part of the assigned reading and homework activities. The strategies for acknowledging appropriate behavior were limited to verbal acknowledgements yet were clear and precise. There was no evidence of inappropriate behavior so we also cannot tell if there was any strategy in place to do so. A good sign that the class was well managed and that the students were seriously engaged.


Simonsen, B., Fairbanks, S., Briesch, A., Myers, D., & Sugai, G. (2008). Evidence-based practices in classroom management: Considerations for research to practice. Education and Treatment of Children, 31(3), 351-380.

Intro to Teaching – Video Notes

Notes on the video were supposed to watch:

Video notes

Teachers shows pedagogical content knowledge  when evidencing the need to make connections to the student’s funds of knowledge. He is also teaching for higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy when eliciting analysis of the subject matter, evaluating its implications and even creating the reenactment of the trial.

1:31 “If you show connections. If you show how history repeats itself. If you show them  how history is still coming around even to the point that it affects you today”

Mr. Fischer – 8th Grade

      1. 2:53
        1. What we are going to study today
      2. 2:59
        1. Objective of the course – narration
      3. 3:10
        1. “Cross examination – we’ve done cases before” previous knowledge
      4. 3:37
        1. Input – lecturing about the facts
      5. 4:00
        1. Showing map – illustrating – situating story
      6. 4:30
        1. Asks questions to students – assessing what the students know
        2. Writes on the board the big ideas – modeling mind map
      7. 5:22
        1. Keeps pulling from students and scaffolding them to get out specific ideas
        2. Summarizes ideas on the board
      8. 6:30
        1. Bad handwriting
      9. 7:04
        1. Todo el mundo deven estar poniendo-se de pied neste momento
        2. Modeling the problem of communication
      10. 7:44
        1. You may sit down – classroom management
      11. 8:17
        1. How did you feel when I spoke Spanish?
        2. Eliciting emotions – affect
      12. 8:55
        1. Planning time – how to illustrate concept
        2. Preplan for when she would do it but let it flow
      13. 9:20
        1. Girl who stud up who did not speak Spanish
        2. Formattve Assessment?
        3. Had impact
      14. 9:33
        1. Reminds students how we are all different and that we have to respect each other’s differences
      15. 9:40
        1. Students prepare for the mock trial in groups
      16. 10:20
        1. They all bring something to the table
      17. 10:32
        1. You decide amongst each others who’s going to do what
      18. 11:00
        1. No leader, everybody was equal
        2. Communities of practice
      19. 11:06
        1. Facilitating / coaching / scaffolding
        2. Provided content for their examination
      20. 12:26
        1. Informal assessment
      21. 12:53
        1. Modeling opening statement
      22. 13:00
        1. I’m not going to do it for you – you know how to do it
        2. Independent practice
      23. Day 2 – 13:21
        1. Cannot teach without allowing the to ask questions as well
      24. 13:28
        1. Homework – independent practice
      25. 14:50
        1. Informal assessment
      26. 15:23
        1. Did not have help to much help from the teachers
        2. Worked independently
        3. Worked together – brainstormed
        4. Went out to do what we had to do
      27. Day 3 – 15:47
      28.  19:33
        1. Student speaks Spanish – transfer from the modeling example the teacher gave in classroom
      29. 23:22
        1. Summarizing what student learned – Bloom’s Taxonomy
      30. 24:10
        1. Debriefing
      31. 24:20
        1. We will continue to study
      32. 24:40
        1. Showing a real example of nowadays
      33. 25:00
        1. Anyone have any questions?
        2. Good job – great class
      34. 25:25
        1. Makes you think a little more
      35. 25:30
        1. Trial got all the information we already new and made it more realistic


Intro to Teaching – Final Notes

Notes in preparation to writting final paper:


ZPD – Distance between actual development level as determined by independent problem solving vs. that through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more levels of competence.

Transfer – learning in ways that allow us to solve novel problems that we may encounter later.

Metacognition – Knowledge about one’s own cognitive processes, aka one’s own abilities to learn and solve problems. Types of cognitive processes include: attention and fluency, short term memory, storage vs. retrieval, comprehension, motivation and transfer.

Expertise – could be a combination of both content-knowledge and organizational skill and ability to implement and expand.

Instructional Planning

“What will I do to develop effective lessons organized into a cohesive unit?” Marzano, 2007

Action steps:

  1. Identify the focus of a Unit of Instruction
    1. Focus on knowledge that leads towards the goals
    2. Focus on issues that leads towards the goals
    3. Focus on student exploration
  2. Plan for lesson segments that will be routine components of every lesson
    1. Communicate learning goals
    2. Track progress and celebrate success
    3. Establish rules and procedures
  3. Lesson design plan:
    1. Anticipatory set
    2. Objective and purpose
    3. Input
    4. Modeling
    5. Checking for understanding
    6. Guided Practice
    7. Independent Practice
  4. Plan for content specific lesson segments
    1. Help interact with new knowledge
    2. Help practice on the now knowledge
    3. Help generate and test hypothesis about knowledge
    4. Lesson segments devoted to critical – input experience
    5. Lesson segments devoted to practice and deepening of student’s understanding of content
  5. Plan for actions that must be of taken on the spot
    1. Engage students
    2. Rules and procedures – adherence or not
    3. Relationship with students
    4. Communicate with expectations
  6. Develop a flexible draft of daily activities for a unit
  7. Review the critical aspects of effective teaching daily

Bloom’s Taxonomy

  1. Remember – recognizing and recalling facts
  2. Understand – understanding what the facts mean
  3. Apply – Applying the facts, rules, concepts, and ideas
  4. Analyze – Breaking down information into component parts
  5. Evaluate – Judging the value of information or ideas
  6. Create – Combining parts to make a new whole

Objectives – behavioral and measurable

Goals – longer term and might no be achievable

Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge


  • Working with ZPD
  • Account for individual differences
  • Adjusting scaffolds to the child
  • Adjusting scaffolds to the subject
  • Using scaffolds to guide students work in classroom
  • Capitalizing on student’s developmental interests


  • No use to step over child’s natural evolutionary steps
  • Supporting social and emotional development
  • Supporting identity development
  • Cultural contexts and development
  • Learning diverse cultural contexts
  • School as a cultural context


  • Formative assessment – learn from students and adjust teaching
  • Summative assessment – evaluate goals at the end of a teaching
  • Learning progression
  • Prior knowledge assessments
  • K.W.L.
    • What you Know
    • What the Want to understand
    • Later, what you have learned
  • Rubrics
  • Feedback
  • Assessing for transfer
  • Student self assessment
  • Formal and informal assessment
  • Equity concerns
  • Grades and motivation
  • High and low stakes assessment
  • Looking inside the Black Box

Diversity and Funds of Knowledge

  • Capitalize on school and community resources
  • The culture of power
    • “My kids know how to be Black. You all teach him how to be successful in the White mans’ s world”, Delpit, L., 1995
  • We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.” Riley, 2014

Professional Development

  • How to teach teachers teach in a new way


8 more papers to write until Tuesday!!!

  • Qualitative Research – Mini Project (group work – almost done)
  • Qualitative Research – Reflection Paper (not started)
  • Learning Environments – Final Paper (group work – almost done)
  • Intro to Teaching – Final Analysis (watched video – write paper)
  • Tech 4 Learners – Pedagogical Compass (to start)
  • Tech 4 Learners – Reflection on Design Project (to start)
  • Tech 4 Learners – Chose 2: (to start)
    • 3 learning frameworks and why they matter
    • Advice to a future learning tool designe
    • Learning Technology Evaluation
    • OpEd for EdSurge


LDT Seminar – Final – Learning Problem Statements v 2.0


Based on the research, the expert interviews, and chats with learners, revise your learning problem. Include: WHO needs to learn WHAT and WHY it is important. Include citations from research, and insights gained from interviews with experts and learners. Post your updated “problems” here.


Problem Statement

Communities, companies and countries have to be able to share knowledge and educate their peers in order to thrive. The traditional methods of doing so are through books, talks, documentaries, and interviews. We want to learn from the best, understand how they do it and be more like them. But sometimes we just want to talk to someone, interact with them – learn from a human being – even if it is not the expert – maybe even better if it is someone who speaks more like I do. How can technology enable this?

Research Question

How might we scaffold “experts” to create engaging hybrid courses?


  • Hybrid Online Learning
  • Instructional Design
  • Teacher Professional Development
  • Metacognition
  • Self efficacy
  • Onboarding

How Might We?

  • Extract value from experts?
  • Identify what an expert knows that is of interest?
  • Ask for knowledge from an expert?
  • Increase the reach knowledge distribution?
  • Reduce teacher repetition of content?

Potential solution paths

  • TMS – Teaching Management System
  • Templates for teaching
  • Curated content
    • Modeling
    • Lesson plans
    • Exercises
    • Assessment
    • Individual activities
    • Group activities


  • Time based courses are the ones that perform better.
  • Necessity of human interaction – be part of a cohort
  • Teachers need additional training to handle interactions and drive engagement in online environments

Concepts to look further into

  1. Evidence Based Learning
  2. Hebert Simon
  3. Professional Development: look at Jeff Zwier’s work: (Links to an external site.)
  4. Jonathan Osborne: course design and interaction. 
  5. Technology Integration Planning Model ( Robyler, 2006)
  6. Systematic ICT Integration Model ( Wang & ve Woo, 2007)
  7. Apple Future Classes Model (Dwyer, Ringstaff, Sandholtz & Apple Computer Inc., 1990)
  8. Social Model (Wang, 2008)
  9. Enhanced Pearson Model (Woodbridge, 2004)
  10. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge [TPACK] model (Koehler & Mishra, 2005). Koehler and Mishra (2005)

Interesting Citations

“While students rated the instructors very positively, the results also indicate that instructors still need to have their roles transformed pedagogically, socially, and technologically if they are to establish a more engaging and fruitful environment for online learning.” – Liu, X., Lee, S., Bonk, C., Su, B., Magjuka, R. (2005). Exploring Four Dimensions of Online Instructor Roles: A Program Level Case Study. Online Learning Consortium

 (Links to an external site.)

“This study found a change in the beliefs and teaching presence of the instructors from their initial resistance to online teaching to an approach which is mindful of the student experience and promotes a dialogical approach to online learning.” – Redmond, P., (2011) From face-to-face teaching to online teaching: Pedagogical transitions. ascilite 2011 Hobart:

 (Links to an external site.)

“In spite of the proliferation of online learning, creating online courses can still evoke a good deal of frustration, negativity, and wariness in those who need to create them.” – Vai, M. & Sosulski, K. (2015). Essentials of Online Course Design. A Standards-Based Guide, 2nd Edition. Routledge

 (Links to an external site.)

“Technology alone does nothing to enhance online pedagogy. According to Jacobsen, et al. (2002), the real challenge is to “develop fluency with teaching and learning with technology, not just with technology, itself” (p.44).” – Keengwe, J. & Kidd, T. (2010). Towards Best Practices in Online Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching

 (Links to an external site.)

Research To Review

Essentials of Online Course Design

 (Links to an external site.)

Towards Best Practices in Online Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

 (Links to an external site.)


 (Links to an external site.)


 (Links to an external site.)

Source Effects in Online Education

 (Links to an external site.)

The Five stage Model

 (Links to an external site.)

From face-to-face teaching to online teaching: Pedagogical transitions

 (Links to an external site.)

From On-Ground to Online: Moving Senior Faculty to the Distance Learning Classroom

 (Links to an external site.)

Why some distance education programs fail while others succeed in a global environment

 (Links to an external site.)

Case Study: Challenges and Issues in Teaching Fully Online Mechanical Engineering Courses

 (Links to an external site.)

TPCK and SAMR – Models for Enhancing Technology Integration (2008)

 (Links to an external site.)

SAMR and TPCK in Action

 (Links to an external site.)

SAMR: Beyond the Basics

 (Links to an external site.)

From the Classroom to the Keyboard: How Seven Teachers Created Their Online Teacher Identities

 (Links to an external site.)

A structure equation model among factors of teachers’ technology integration practice and their TPCK

 (Links to an external site.)

Examining Technopedagogical Knowledge Competencies of Teachers in Terms of Some Variables

 (Links to an external site.)

The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge-practical (TPACK-Practical) model: Examination of its validity in the Turkish culture via structural equation modeling

 (Links to an external site.)

Using TPCK as a scaffold to self-assess the novice online teaching experience

 (Links to an external site.)

What Is Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge?

 (Links to an external site.)

The role of TPACK in physics classroom: case studies of preservice physics teachers

 (Links to an external site.)

Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators

 (Links to an external site.)

When using technology isn׳t enough: A comparison of high school civics teachers׳ TPCK in one-to-one laptop environments

 (Links to an external site.)

Systematic Planning for ICT Integration in Topic Learning

 (Links to an external site.)

What Is Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

 (Links to an external site.)

Paid Research Papers (worth buying?)

Effect of a TPCK-SRL Model on Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs, Self-Efficacy, and Technology-Based Lesson Design

 (Links to an external site.)

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge as a Framework for Integrating Educational Technology in the Teaching of Computer Science

 (Links to an external site.)

Instruction: A Models Approach, Enhanced Pearson

 (Links to an external site.)

LDT Seminar – Final – Learner's Chat


You know a lot about the challenge generally, now you want to get to know your target learner.  In pairs, spend at least 30 minutes chatting with two different target learners, one for each problem.  If your learner is a child, talk to a parent.  (Note: ALWAYS get parent permission when talking to minors.)

Write up a one-page brief documenting what you learned about this learner’s goals, context, challenges, and assets. Look for insights into possible opportunities to solve real problems.  Add your brief here.


Chatted with Matej and Omair about what would be the features in a LMS that would scaffold them into creating effective courses. 

Matej’s strategy when he started thinking about the process of creating his own courses, was to look at what others were doing, what kind of language they were using, and which ones resonated most with his style of thinking. The tool could provide easier access to successful examples with videos, curricula, lesson plans and so on.

Omair’s desire was to have a tool that would help him remember all the topics he must cover. Using keywords and a mind map for each piece of content, the system would alert him if any node was not covered yet. His main concern is covering the entirety of the content. 

The more I look at the problem, the more I see that I would need to focus on a subject matter due to the particularities of each, pedagogically speaking. To try to create an overarching generalized system that helps you create ‘better’ courses seems like an outreach and a  technocentric view of a solution. 

My initially narrow view of wishing to create a magical tool that would help me create a course by giving me tips and suggestions along the way might have the be reconsidered. 

I am starting to see that a larger challenge that has to be addressed is teacher professional development. How do we scale it? How do we integrate it into their daily routines? How do we use technology to aid lesson planning, course management, pedagogical activities, and student engagement?

Is there space to evolve from a Material Management System or a Learning Management System towards a “Teaching Management System” that coaches, facilitates and promotes interactivity amongst educators and amongst learners. 

I feel that now I have to interview more learners (educators) as to what this tool might look like, concentrate on a subject matter, audience and learning environment to convince myself that what I am looking at is a relevant problem which may cause positive impact on the educational setting. 

Bike Fenders

Today I was finally able to test out the new beautifully designed fenders for my bike… drizzling on the way to school and back… full of puddles and wet floor. Fenders worked great keeping at bay the water that flies off the spinning tires… not to mention that they are light, solid, silent and gorgeous 🙂


Tech 4 Learners – Week 10 – Class Notes

6 Hats in a group

Everyone wears the same hat at the same time, but could be assigned to a team member in a more permanent role.

  1. Cheerleader
  2. Critic
  3. Emotion regulator
  4. Fact-finder
  5. Creative ideator
  6. Manager

Each hat has a color: (Wikipedia)

  • Managing – Blue – what is the subject? what are we thinking about? what is the goal?
  • Information – White – considering purely what information is available, what are the facts?
  • Emotions – Red – intuitive or instinctive gut reactions or statements of emotional feeling (but not any justification)
  • Discernment – Black – logic applied to identifying reasons to be cautious and conservativea
  • Optimistic response – Yellow – logic applied to identifying benefits, seeking harmony
  • Creativity – Green – statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought goes