Day 30 – Belize City to La Lancha (Jobompiche)

Mood swing day for me. The weather was not nice so we decided to skip
the Cayes and head out of Belize into Guatemala.
As I was getting my bike off the center stand I dropped it and the
helmet fell on the ground – no harm done but it just ticked me off.
Then we looked for a place to eat and there was only a small shack
that semi-descent. Ate a small chicken patty and we hit the road.
The border crossing came up pretty soon after some flooded roads –
nothing like we saw yesterday though.
The process itself was not that bad… took about an hour and half…
had to go through a spray to kill germs and insects – which I went
through without the helmet – not too smart. Marc simply went around
it 🙂
On the Guatemalan side the process also went smoothly – had to run
across a bridge to get photocopies of our licenses, passports, and
The road in Guatemala was pretty bad – barely paved with massive pot
holes – quite fun actually. Ari would be proud of us – no slowing down
this time – hahahaha!
We drove for about another hour and got to Francis Ford Coppola's
boutique hotel called La Lancha. Now I feel like I am getting my
birthday treat (as if this whole trip isn't a privilege as is).
The hotel is small and extremely well decorated. The huts are
distributed along the hill going down to the lake. Will take some
photos and videos tomorrow when its light.
Tomorrow we shall go to Tikal – one of the most important ruins in
Central America – more than 3000 buildings have been found and many
more to be uncovered in the jungle. We might get a guided tour this
time to get more information about it all.
Just a couple of photos:

From Motorcycle NY to SP

3 thoughts on “Day 30 – Belize City to La Lancha (Jobompiche)

  1. Raffaella

    Hey! I’m glad your finally getting some R&R… 5 star style!!!
    Aproveita e please do upload some pics on the hotel – I’m curious!
    Inferno astral is now behimd you – enjoy 🙂

  2. sonia a. mascaro disse…

    Ví, fui ao blog do Lucas, fiz um comentário mas ele não funcionou para mim… não sei o porquê. Tenho uma amiga, Judy, que também está com esse modelo de comment e eu também não consigo deixar comentários.

    Assim, o comentário que eu tentei deixar para o Lucas foi esse:

    First of all, Happy Birthday Lucas! I found your link through Vi Leardi’s blog and I am glad I did!

    What a great and amazing adventure! I will enjoy seeing your images and video for sure!
    Have a good and wonderful trip!

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