Day 31 – La Plancha to Tikal and back to Gucumatz

Quick post today – writting from my iphone – photos and videos tomorrow night maybe 🙂 Had a great breakfast at the hotel (La Lancha, Jobompiche) and waited a little for the rain to subdue.
Rode to Tikal (1/2 hour) and walked around for around 2 or 3 hours.
Very interesting place and with a lot more visitors than Palenque in Mexico.
Our plans have been changing quite a bit because the route to Coban that we wanted to take is flooded and unpassable. A round about way was shown to us and we were told that it would take 6 to 7 hours! Quite a bit for one day – we would have to be on the motorcycles by around 6am to get there before dark.
The choices were to keep going today to make some progress or stay another night close to La Lancha and do the early bird option.
We met a very nice couple last night (Rachel and Filipo) at the hotel who invited us for dinner tonight with about another 12 friends of theirs who were arriving today. They are all going to do some travelling in Belize and then to Rachel’s sister’s wedding.
We decided to decide after Tikal.
We left there pretty late so after about an hour of riding we got to the intersection to go south or straight. We needed cash so we went straight. And then it got dark. So we went towards La Lancha and stopped another hotel right before it. Tomorrow I will post more on the dinner and the videos 🙂
On a personal note – made my father sad – and for sure my whole family with my Freudian slip – I did not edit out a part of the video which I was smoking a cigarette. Something I am not proud of and have been doing on and off. Crazy addiction.Decided to stop once again. Threw away the pack…Well – not such a shirt post after all – been getting pretty quick with this keyboard 🙂

From Motorcycle NY to SP

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