Day 63 – Abancay to Ollantaytanbo

So we are at the foot of Machu Picchu!
Tomorrow morning we take the train to go up there and back on the same day to then hop on the bikes to go to Cuzco 🙂
This morning I reajusted my chain and forgot to tighten the main rear wheel bolt!!! YIKES!! Thankfully I felt the wheel a little loose on the first few turns and I didn´t loose the bolt! I tightened it back up in a haste and didn´t look at the wheel alignment so had to stop again to realign the wheel – was feeling a little wobble in the turns.
In the meantime Jesee got a flat tire and Marc saw that the line from the rear shock pre-load adjuster is leaking – nothing to worry about since it is not the actual oir from the shock that is leacking… we hope.
In any case – the psychology of it all hit me – at every turn I was sure that my back wheel felt funny – and then on a tight turn a truck showed up and I locked my front wheel! Yikes! ABS kicked in well, I kicked the ground with the sole of my boot and regained control of the bike in no time. So for me it was a tense ride this morning in terms of taking the turns and all.
The scenery was AMAZING! Snow capped mountains and steep canyons!
As a reference – it took us almost 4 hours to do 80miles! That´s how winding the roads were!
Getting to Ollantaytanbo we had some very good lunch, went out of town on a dirt road to find the hotel we wanted closed, and then found the hotel we are staying in near the center of town. Very nice.
No videos or photos today since I´m using the hotel´s computer.
Also no replies to the comments – which I loved! There is a line of people looking at me wanting to use the computer!

3 thoughts on “Day 63 – Abancay to Ollantaytanbo

  1. Anonymous

    Ual, today was really scary!!!
    That truck….thanks God you have a strong protection…
    And the wind blowing…
    Anyway, at the end everything went well.
    I am still worried with Marcs byke,,,hope he fixes it in Cusco.
    Enjoy Machu Pichu and Cusco, take those lovely pics you use to , eat good food and rest.
    Wating for the nxt chapter….
    Kisses to you both,

  2. Lucas Longo

    Well – it wasn’t almost an accident – the truck was just what scared me – I was the one who almost did on my own… no “accident” in the traditional sense of the word…

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