Category Archives: ITP – Tisch – NYU

A happy customer :)

Begin forwarded message:

> Hi Lucas and Corey,
> I just wanted to let you both know that I thought the driveby on
> thursday was incredibly well done. I don’t think it could be a
> harder challenge to present such a HUGE subject in only an hour and
> to such a diverse audience. I thought the presentation you gave was
> absolutely perfect and really took into consideration everyone in
> the room and what the itp community wants. Way to go !
> I was really impressed.
> just thought I’d share…
> thanks and enjoy your sunday!
> taylor

ITP Show Picture

Every semester, after the show, the staff and students put ITP back into its normal position and poses for the traditional photo:

Here are the previous photos. Amazing to see how much ITP is growing every year and how Todd’s photos are getting better and better 🙂

I'm done!? ITP Complete!

Presented my thesis (video coming soon) today and suddenly it really hit that my 2 years at ITP are complete!! 
What a ride! Mind opening. Humbling and empowering. 
Quoting my friend Kim Grinfeder, “After ITP you will look at technology in a new way.” 
Well – it’s not over till it’s over! We still have the ITP Spring Show this Monday and Tuesday where we will be presenting our projects to the visiting crowd!
Amazing 🙂