Day 47 – Panama City to Bogota

Uff – long day – started out very well with a great breakfast at the hotel then we went straight to the cargo terminal to see about shipping the bikes today through Servi Carga who were a LOT nicer and more helpful that GIRAG and Copa…
Let’s see if it actually gets put on a plane tonight… we’ll have confirmation only tomorrow.
We spent the entire day at the cargo area packing up the bikes and doing the paperwork.
We then went to the passenger terminal and got on the flight to Bogota, Colombia – which we were lucky to get on since the flight was full!
The plane was delayed to depart due to “operational” problems and then because one of the passengers wasn’t feeling well… the captain asked if there was a doctor on board and there was… once the doctor looked at the passenger we finally took off.
The entire plane had a good laugh when the captain explained that the passenger was fit to fly and another passenger said “El tenia calor!” – the guy was hot!
In any case – arrived in Bogota after an hour and tried to decide where to stay – near the airport or in Zona T – a recommendation by a friend of a friend – we got a very nice taxi driver – Alvaro – who very patiently took us around and around and around.
Zona T’s hotels were booked… the hotels near the center of town were pretty bad… so we went all the way back to the hotels near the airport, which were ok…
Uff 🙂

6 thoughts on “Day 47 – Panama City to Bogota

  1. Fabio Escobar

    Hi Guys, my sources in Colombia recommend:
    Restaurante Harry, on Calle 70 con la 5, then go for a spin at Zona G, ou Zona Rosa, visit the botero museu, montserrate, gold museum and old city la candelaria. Stay at the hotel casa medina.

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