iPhone Dev Bar Camp

This Saturday I participated in a Bar Camp – iPhoneDevCampNYC – at the Polytechnic University in Brooklyn which ran from 10 am to 6pm. 

It follows the open source mentality where there was no fixed schedule or preset presentations. Whoever felt like they had something to contribute to the group would lead an hour long session. 
We had 5 different rooms we could use at the same time and about 30 people to attend. 
I ended up leading two sections, one in iPhone Web Apps – customizing a web page to take advantage of some of the iPhone’s features – and another session on using the iPhone’s camera within your iPhone application – something I figured out how to implement, but had more questions than answers. 
Overall it was a great event where I met several interesting people sharing the same enthusiasm about the iPhone and this new gold rush that is happening around it in the development community. 
Here are a few pictures:

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