Got some good feedback today about my Master’s Project:
- Look at StickyUnit
- Focus on a content area
Talk to John Willensky – making research public
Think about what kind of higher ed
Skillshare vs Udemy
Qualtrix – heat maps
Survey: Not going to be published, confidential, where is it going to be published?Informal pilot testing, not formal research paper.
- Create email for Udemy teachers
- Create survey for teachers
- Send all iOS teachers from Udemy
Survey Questions:
- Besides teaching online what is your teaching experience or background ?
- How many online courses have you already published?
- What is your core motivation to publish your content online?
- Did you take the course on creating a course? How useful was it?
- What were the main challenges in creating the online course?
- What do you feel is missing in the online platform that would help you create a better course?
- Did you feel the need to have someone helping you in the process?
- If you were to add any features to the content the location tool, what would they be?
- If you were to redo your online course what would you do differently?
- How did the students’ questions and comments inform you about ways to improve your course?
- Any further suggestions or comments?