LDT Seminar – Winter Quarter Reflection


  1. Evaluate your own contributions to seminar based on the rubric below.
  2. Explore your own learning inside and outside of class in a brief reflection paper (1-2 pages).


Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Attendance* Misses two or more seminars. Comes late or leaves early. Does not inform instructor of absence in advance. Attends all of seminar, or misses one, with very good excuse (e-mailed to instructor ahead of time). Always on time. Organizes extra learning opportunities for other learners.
Assignments** Assignments are late, incomplete, or poorly executed. Assignments are turned in on time. All outside work is turned in on time (or ahead of time). Assignments address the assignment components, but appear rushed or have errors. In-class and out-of-class assignments are completed thoughtfully and thoroughly. In out-of-class work, attention is paid to content, spelling, grammar, and flow.
Participation Rarely speaks, or rarely listens. Carries on side conversations or other off- topic activities (for example on the computer). Mostly listens, but speaks sometimes. Or mostly speaks, but listens sometimes. Speaks and listens actively in class. Builds on the ideas of others. Challenges own thinking and that of others. Seeks to make connections between concepts in class and to outside experiences.
