Thesis – spin on initial idea

Mobile Class Management Platform

A web tool for teachers and students to collaborate inside and outside of class adding cell phones as a method to interact and update the system.

A mash up of blogs, wikis, forums, web albums, video blogs, and file sharing geared towards a classroom setting.

The tool that all ITP teachers would want to use.

The “basic” platform would be a web interface that allows teachers to manage the collaboration and sharing of students online. Sign up to mailing lists, forums, wikis and so on. Cellphones would be integrated to the platform’s functioning to allow for interactive exercises/activities/games for a class. A step-by-step interface allows the teacher to creates the rules, formats, and goals of the exercises.


– Publishing the syllabus
– Attendance
– Office hour sign up
– Lesson notes
– Homework assignments and posting
– Grading/comments
– Testing
– Polls
– Announcements
– Collaboration
– Content management tools