This week we will present our game prototypes to Annete from Seton.
I created TOGI – a little robot I sometimes scribble on a piece of paper.
As I posted earlier, the idea was to create a Tamagotchi like “game” where you had to feed or play with the character.
I started trying to animate every single part of TOGI in Flash and just ran into complications when creating the movie clips one inside of the other and creating motion tweens. It turns out that the order in which you create the movie clips matters… you have to create all the pieces of the character, animate each one, then join the into groups… to be able to finally animate the whole character with all parts moving together.
UFFF… then as Amit suggested, I put the animation aside and concentrated on the game play… went out for a bit, cleared my head and and finally got to something decent.
And here is the version I am going to present – still have to add sound.
Click inside the game to start playing.
Use the right and left arrow keys to make TOGI move 🙂

Click HERE to play in full screen.
Right-click HERE for the source Flash file.

This is the “first” version…
Click inside the game to start playing.
Use the right and left arrow keys to make TOGI move.

Click HERE to play in full screen.
Right-click HERE for the source Flash file.

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