
So after trying to find a camping ground around Milwaukee I gave up and went to a hotel near the road. It was getting dark and I was too tired to keep going – was getting dangerous.

Feeling guilty about spending the money in the hotel after have bought all the camping gear but I have to admit that after such a long day, a nice hot shower, TV, and a bed feel VERY nice. 
I guess camping alone is not as much fun… 
In any case – I think that from here to Yellowstone I will do some more camping since there are no real points of interest along the way – someone please correct me if I am wrong – and therefore I will drive until I find a nice area to camp. 
In any case – going relax now and upload some more photos and videos I was not able to do yesterday – the WiFi at the hotel was not working. At this hotel today it seems to be working perfect 🙂

One thought on “Uuuuffff

  1. Anonymous

    why so fast? take your time doing some tourism! spend some money in comfort!
    i love much of calatrava´s but sometimes , as in that case , i see some too wasteful exibitionism.
    bjos ,p

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