While Dri was teaching her class at home, I went to Stanford and found a nice outdoor office space then had a nice big salad for lunch…
Monthly Archives: October 2015
Learning Environments – Week 6 – Reading Notes
Brazilian Education – Week 6 – Reading Notes
The “Quality of Quantity”: Achievement Gains from Adding a Year to Brazilian Primary Schooling (Oct. 27) – Prof. Martin Carnoy
Intro Teaching – Week 6 – Reading Notes
- PTFCW, Ch. 8 (pp. 275-315)
- Mosher, F.A. (2011). The role of learning progressions in standards-based education reform. (CPRE Policy Brief RB-52).
- Black, P. & Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 80, 139-148.
- Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B., & Wiliam, D. (2004). Working inside the black box: Assessment for learning in the classroom. Phi Delta Kappan, 86, 9-21.
First Football Game
Tech 4 Learners – Week 6 – Reading Assignment
“The New Coviewing: Designing for Learning through Joint Media Engagement” by Lori Takeuchi and Reed Stevens – December 8, 2011
The main research findings can be summarized by the phrase “What goes on between people around media can be as important as what is designed into the media”
What strikes me the most about the article is how little attention has been given to this interaction the design process and creation of media. “Interactive TV” has been a promise for a long time, maybe because it fostered to the interaction between an individual and the content such as voting interactions, choose the ending, choose what film will play and so on. I would even go further a TV show that prompts for social media interactions is still not fully aware of JME potentials. Not only the educational potentials are missed but I believe that this construct could well be applied to marketing and sales where a piece of advertising or merchandising is more effective the more it engages the viewers in JME.
Circling back to education, I think that this is a breakthrough. What if traditional courses on TV were designed with this framework in mind? What if their declared purpose was to be watched with someone else? Would remote learning be more effective? I truly think so.
It seems like this framework has been explored minimally up to now. Maybe some app developers and websites are already thinking about this or catering to this phenomena yet I have seen little evidence that it was part of the original design process of the product.
I see great potential for TV Apps that are coming with the release of the new AppleTV OS. I can imagine educational products designed from ground up using the JME design principles and implemented in a medium that is more naturally social than mobile phones, the TV, and provide direct and individualized interaction in a group setting where each member has a full input device with them – their iPhones or iPads.
Ok – so maybe if you compare the new AppleTV with game consoles, there is not much innovation in terms of the in-room dynamics yet the huge app development community and the lower barrier to entry on AppleTV in comparison to game consoles, will probably create in-medium factors that will enhance JME and create much richer and engaging learning environments.
Farmer's Market
Resources – COOL!
All the theories of psychology in one place!
A crash course in Psychology with quick and very fun videos.
HCI 457 – Week 5 – Class Notes
Very interesting talk today:
Krzysztof Gajos
Harvard University
Lab in the Wild: Tools for Large-Scale Experimentation in HCI