A little more travelling

Going to Brazil today to see my family and friends after a great but short week in NY.
Mark and Yaucha were here and we went for a stroll on the Hudson River Park and then ate some great food at Employees Only on Hudson and Christopher.
Feeling a little guilty about not taking pictures every day (and blogging for that matter) since I got back but I guess I needed a break – it was an intense schedule of roaming around finding interesting places to go to and photos to take. I guess since I am living here I take the scenery for granted and forget to look at NY with a tourist’s eye.

One thought on “A little more travelling

  1. Raquel

    Hello, Lucas, this is Raquel, Anisio´s daughter. Nice to see you after soooo many years. Do please email me. I waiting for those contacts as well. And ah! Nice of you to have added to the web your blog and photos, no way of loosing track! See ya XXX

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