Day 22 – Puerto Vallarta to La Ticla

We had a really late start today but managed to put in 260 miles in…
a little sketchy at the end of the day when it got dark but we made it
safely to La Ticla – a very small surfer village where we are staying
in a little shack.
The ride was very good – full of little turns and hills – again, so
much like Brazil's Rio-Santos road!
Ari stopped to weld some parts on his bike and we went ahead –
amazingly he found us in La Ticla!
I guess the most notable part of the day was to notice how
psychological riding is – at one point I was feeling great and taking
turns as if I was cutting through butter – then later in the day I was
slowing down a great deal more than I needed to and just didn't feel
the confidence I had earlier. Thinking logically I know that I am so
far away from the limit of what the bike and the tires can handle but
you still feel strange… and that is a good think – keeping it safe 🙂
One guy told me once that when you loose your fear of the bike, you
crash… just like the ocean – if you loose the respect for it, you
are going to get yourself into trouble.
Tomorrow we will shoot for Acapulco – 310 miles away – should be
doable since we were told that the road becomes a little straighter
about an hour and a half from here.

5 thoughts on “Day 22 – Puerto Vallarta to La Ticla

  1. Anonymous

    Hey man, I tell you one thing.

    Enjoy the ride!

    If you’re tired, rest, if your bored, stop and go to the beach!

    Schedule?? Who gives a damn?

    Don’t make this a struggle, make it a joy!

    Safety first!

    Take care man!

  2. Anonymous

    I agree with Roberto. Chill and enjoy the ride. It´s bliss. What schedule???!!!

    Anyway, it was nice ridin´ with you Lucas. You got good energy. If you care to meet up again at some point (when you guys chill out from ¨the schedule¨) give me a shout.

    Peace and safe travels.


  3. Lucas Longo

    Hey Ari!

    we lost you there at the entrance of Zihuatanejo!

    Where are you and what’s your email? The one you gave me is wrong…

    We are in Huatulco – further along than Puerto Escondido…



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