Day 51 – Medellin to Manizales

Another WOW day of riding… but first we went to the BMW dealer to get Marc’s bike which had brand new tires on.

Leaving Medellin we took a wrong turn but looking at the GPS it seemed like an OK deviation.
Turned out to be a very long route and off-road for the most part.
It was a lot of fun and gorgeous mountain views – truly a privilege to be able to drive through these roads.
It also meant very slow progress towards Armenia, our original destination though.
Once we got back on the highway the roads continued to be winding and amazingly beautiful.
We got some rain but not that bad – we were more worried about getting to a larger town before it got dark.
We ended up in Manizales, which is not too far from Armenia. We never saw so many motorcycles shops in one town! We stopped at a shop which had the exact same bike that Marc has and started talking to the owner – he was closing shop so he took us to a hotel – just like yesterday – which I just realized I didn’t write about yesterday.
When we got to Medellin Marc pulled over to see if he could find the BMW dealer – Ruta 40. A cab driver was trying to figure out where the address was when I looked down the street and saw it right there!! We drove up to it and being 7 at night we didn’t expect to find anyone there but to our surprise they were there!! Very cool guys – Mauricio Gallo – the owner even took us to a hotel he recommended after we left Marc’s bike at the shop so that it could be serviced first thing in the morning 🙂

New feature today – Marc found this very cool site called where you can upload the data of the GPS – very cool – hit the play button to see how different our speed was on the dirt road vs. the paved road 🙂 Don’t know why it says that the trip duration was of 11 hours though…

Nov 21

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4 thoughts on “Day 51 – Medellin to Manizales

  1. Ivan F.

    Risks in Colombia –
    Last night I saw a Colombian Tourism commercial on TV that says it’s very risky to travel there. The risk: not wanting to leave…

    Cruise on…

  2. Anonymous

    beatiful views on the road to Manizales, loved the elephant towel,
    delicious turns on the road to Medellin; byking might be fun, as one can percieve from your joyful sounds… bjs p

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