Day 52 – Manizales to Popoyan

A LOT of miles today – made up for the relatively small amount of miles we did yesterday.

This morning coming out of Manizales I was ecstatic with the road and the scenery – Colombia is one of the prettiest so far in my opinion – it’s lush, mountainous, well kept and great people.
On a more inappropriate note, I’ve heard several times that the Colombian women are the prettiest in the world, something that I have not attested to just yet. Not really fair to judge on just a few days in the country and not really knowing where to go. One thing we can attest to is that, well, there is something in the water here that makes girls grow quite large breasts! Seriously – quite curious. No photos – sorry 🙂
Going back to the riding – another great day riding – NO rain today and LOTS of attention from the locals – they simply love the big bikes and also LOVE the GPS of all things 🙂
Getting into Popoyan a car pulled up offering his help – he’s a biker as well and led us to the hotel we had found earlier on the internet – Dan Monastero – another very nice hotel!
Here’s the video with more info – seems like I am repeating myself on the video and text here:

6 thoughts on “Day 52 – Manizales to Popoyan

  1. Anonymous

    How great.Thanks for all the geography and info.I am afraid your bikes and GPS have more success than you.
    My love to both. Norita

  2. Lucas Longo

    No need to worry! Please!
    Everyone we meet here is simply curious… no bad vibes AT ALL!
    Plus these motorcycles are so rare here that if they steal it, they would be VERY easy to find 🙂

  3. Marcos

    Ahh, Colombian women! I have a great joke I tell on the subject.

    “The most beautiful Colombian I ever met was Venezuelan…”

    which is to say they are both amazing, but the Venezuelan’s are the winners…

  4. marcos

    Tires? what brand and model? GPS? which one is working better, which has the better maps? How is your KTM side bags holding up? How are the mounts doing?

    I must know!

  5. Lucas Longo

    Marc got Michellins Anakees – it’s what they had – he says he feels a bit of a difference from the Metzelers…
    GPS – mine (Garmin Edge 705) is simpler to use but shows less cities than his (Garmin 276c) – the routing is pretty much the same.
    KTM sidebags are holding up 200% – as is the entire bike for that matter 🙂
    Raffa – always so witty 🙂 YES – a lot of them have big popzao as well – Marc and I would say that they drank too much water 🙂

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