Day 55 1/2 – Quito to Riobamba

Marc's bike got ready around 3pm. We geared up and hit the road.
Initially the weather cooperated but then the grey clouds covered the
entire scenery and drenched us to the bones, not to mention that we
are at 3000 meters high (9000 feet) so it was pretty chilly!
We got to Riobamba still during daylight and found a town busting with
activity. Many small hotels and restaurants.
We followed the guide book's suggestion and stayed in a hotel just
outside of town called El Troje.
No high speed internet so updating from my iPhone and a roaming data
connection ๐Ÿ™‚
The hotel is putting on a traditional dance and music show for the
guests in half hour. Should be interesting ๐Ÿ™‚

From Motorcycle NY to SP

3 thoughts on “Day 55 1/2 – Quito to Riobamba

  1. Anonymous

    there is some noise between Equador e Brasil, these days, around a dam being built with problems by a big bras. co. Odebrecht. Correa e Lula are not in good terms. keep happy ๐Ÿ™‚ bjs p

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