Phrase of the day

"The power of the sun!"
Drying up our gear like magic! We left the gear out all night and they
were still wet this morning. Now with half hour of sun they are almost

9 thoughts on “Phrase of the day

  1. Anonymous

    This date is always so special in my life (and your fathers) when this little creature came out of me and that we named Lucas!
    Your presence made our lives so much better!
    Thank you for existing.
    Love you
    Happy Birhday

  2. Anonymous

    Lucas and Marc
    I think you should be able to communicate with each other during the trip in the byke….like the other night with those 2guys lying on the road…
    Think in a way to do that.
    And I dont understand something: are you both in a hurry to arrive?
    Kisses, love you

  3. Phil

    Hey guys! Just catching up on your travels. Looks great! The videos and diary are very cool. I can’t believe that story about people trying to fake an accident to get you to stop. Be careful!

    Lucas, happy birthday, drink some local tequila to celebrate!

    Marc, hit your spot every so often and set it to email me your location. I wanna get a bird’s eye Google Earth view.

    Lucas, I like the sound of the KTM. It’s got a nice, old world sounding hum to it.

    Also, you guys don’t look that dirty! Are you gonna grow beards? You can’t show up in Brasil looking fresh and clean.

    Not to much to report here in NYC. It’s gotten chilly, in the 40’s. This weekend in the marathon and the Phillies won the World Series.

    Ride safe. Have fun!


  4. Lucas Longo

    Sorry for not replying to all the emails and comments I get – usually have enough energy at the end of the day to edit the videos, post to the blog and pass out 🙂

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