Quick post

Thanks for all the comments – here are some replies ๐Ÿ™‚

– Marc and I thought of getting intercoms to talk while riding but
thought we were carrying enough equipment already and we rather listen
to music ๐Ÿ™‚

– Going to document a little less of the road and a bit more of the
activities – even though 80% of the time is on the road ๐Ÿ™‚

Today we're going to La Paz and go through some crazy burocracy to
cross to mainland Mexico. Baja is kind of a free zone so now we have
to do the temporary import of the bikes and try to get the ferry on
time – if they are running on time or at all ๐Ÿ™‚

6 Replies to “Quick post”

  1. Caro LL ,

    Take good care of the “Gringo” . Vc tem mais jinga q ele neste nosso continente .
    I wish you good times . Abraços to the 2 of u
    LL ( I am LL 2)

    leo laniado
    ( Marcs uncle/cousin)
    I am also ur Dad’s friend .

  2. Lucas querido,
    Como vai essa maravilhosa travessia? Estou com uma inveja boa de vcs.
    Não esqueça da “lição de casa” das dicas p/ o aposentado! Meu sonho continua de pé.

  3. Hi Lucas & Marc,
    I am Fabio’s father Aviva’s cousin
    and last but not least Marc’s cousin.I enjoyed seeing you on the bikes,wish you a great ride and expect you here for a BBQ upon arrival. All the best.

  4. Fala Louxers,
    To achando DUCA! Continua mandando os videos… mesmo que sejam da estrada. Put… inveja! To louco para ver as imagens de Chiapas… sempre quis conhecer. Boa sorte para os dois e ate’ o proximo update.

  5. Dear Lucas,
    Your videos are phenomenal. I just love watching them, hearing your comments and sharing in the adventure. Super legal. Our entire family is hooked on your blog. Enjoy the ride and um chopinho a noite!

  6. Lucán!!
    De mais a cobertura!!
    Os comentários são excelentes!
    Purra, aquele litle dog foi fóda!!
    Keep broadcasting…

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