5 thoughts on “Remedies :)

  1. Anonymous

    Hey Lucas, hope you’re feeling much better by the time you read this. All part of the adventure i suppose. At least you got to enjoy the mysterious Inka Kola! (is it better the Coka-Cola?)

    Consider resting for one more day, especially if the ride tomorrow is tough, as your body is probably fatigued.

    Wishing you well,

  2. Lucas Longo

    Thanks guys – feeling a little bit better today – 8:30 am of the 30th – ready to ride again. Going to have some more “mysterious” Inka Kola and some Coka Tea! Yes – that’s what they serve here – we had a whole thermos of it yesterday 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    I am glad u r doing better – as your aunt(Lucas, I have adopted u)
    do take good care & don’t force it on yourselves. If u loose a day, u’ll catch up on the way. I dunno what kind of KoKa u r drinking!!!
    Falou a titia. Bjos, Norita

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