This week we discussed “Hypothesis Testing Methods at Scale” and “Causal Inference” based on the reading of “Counterfactuals and Causal Inference” by Stephen Morgan and Christopher Winship (Cambridge Press).
This week we discussed “Hypothesis Testing Methods at Scale” and “Causal Inference” based on the reading of “Counterfactuals and Causal Inference” by Stephen Morgan and Christopher Winship (Cambridge Press).
We had the opportunity to hear from Engin Walter Bumbacher on “Remote Biology Laboratories for Model-based Science Inquiry”
“Recent curricular frameworks (NGSS, 2013) are pushing for scientifically more authentic inquiry-based curricula that integrate relevant scientific practices revolving around data, models and theory. However, there are various obstacles to the classroom implementations of such a view of inquiry that range from logistical, structural and economic constraints (Abd-El-Khalick et al., 2004) to teachers’ knowledge and beliefs about science (Wallace & Kang, 2004). I argue that another important obstacle is the lack of proper learning tools and environments that integrate all the practices, yet that are robust enough to be used within the requirements and constraints of a science classroom. I will present a technological framework that provides an alternative approach to these types of labs; it combines remote biology labs with a modeling interface to enable inquiry-based activities that promote more authentic practices in line with the bifocal modeling framework (Blikstein, 2014). I will show results from a study implementing a first version of this technology in a middle school science lab. I am looking forward to the questions and discussions on these ideas.”
Ambrose, 2007, Chapter 3: “What Factors Motivate Students to Learn?”
BJ Fogg, 2009, “A Behavior Model for Persuasive Design”
BJ Fogg, 2009, “The Behavior Grid: 35 Ways Behavior Can Change”
Finally catching up with the homework and blog posts… here are the assignments for the last 2 weeks:
EdTech Game Critique Assignment
Empirical cognitive task analysis
Learning Outcomes
Jan L. Plass, Bruce D. Homer & Charles K. Kinzer (2015) Foundations of Game-Based Learning, Educational Psychologist, 50:4, 258-283
I highly appreciated the reading in the sense that it does not claim to have found a holistic and generalizable theory or framework for game-based learning. It comprehensively analyzes the several aspects or considerations one takes (or should take) into account when designing a game-based learning experience, and concludes that no single approach is the most effective or essential. It also states that when designing, one can use several learning theories and several game design aspects to enhance the experience.
“In this article we argued that the integrated viewpoints of cognitive, motivational, affective, and sociocultural perspectives are necessary for both game design and game research in order to fully capture what games have to offer for learning.” (Plass et al, 2015)
I particularly enjoyed the definition of gamification which reduces it to a gimmicky buzz-word. Like most buzz-words, it is over and incorrectly utilized – with the best intentions of course – but creating a false sense that any process or interaction can be magically transformed into a game and thus increase customer satisfaction, retention, or engagement.
“What exactly is meant by gamification varies widely, but one of its defining qualities is that it involves the use of game elements, such as incentive systems, to motivate players to engage in a task they otherwise would not find attractive.” (Plass et al, 2015)
“Consider as an example the gamification of math homework, which may involve giving learners points and stars for the completion of existing activities that they con- sider boring. Game-based learning of the same math topic, on the other hand, even though it may also include points and stars, would involve redesigning the homework activi- ties, using artificial conflict and rules of play, to make them more interesting and engaging.” (Plass et al, 2015)
Ambrose, Chapter 6 (“Why Do Student Development and Course Climate Matter for Student Learning?”)
This passage only reinforces the notion that being a classroom teacher is one of the most complex and demanding professions around. It really is an art to be able to balance delivering the content in a pedagogically sensible way and manage an entire classroom with very different individuals with particular needs and different interests, motivations, and previous knowledge. There is no silver bullet, but it does not mean we have to stop trying.
Full days!
May 12
Started early at the DMV where I got a renewed temporary license while Homeland Security verifies my legal status in the US… it’s been 5 months… did I do something wrong? Hehehehe
I talked to Max from General Assembly where we discussed how I might help them with their new iOS curriculum and hopefully work more closely in the future.
I then rushed back to school to have lunch and go to work at my internship at VPTL. There I talked to Grace about my future plans and the possibilities of continuing our work there.
Also talked to Paulo, as my advisor, about the changes in my Master’s project… he gave me some great advice and ideas about how to make the project more interesting pedagogically speaking, innovative, and using technology to support the process.
May 13
Long bike ride in the morning. Caught up with another cyclist and we swapped drafting off of each other. Fun!
Arrived late for LDT seminar where we had Mingming talking about prototyping as a form of gaining knowledge about a problem. She is awesome.
The Corine and Omair presented us with a very impressive editing tool – Da Vinci Resolve – FREE!! No compositing though but unparalleled color correction.
Then rushed out to get a Zip car… first try the car I reserved was not there… rushed to another location… the app would not work, or the network… after several app relaunches and network resets I was able to get the car I was standing next to. All this to go to LinkedIn to meet with Eduardo Saito, who I know from way back when we worked at Zip.Net. Great lunch and great conversation.
Stopped by the tuxedo rental place to pick mine up, then spoke to Brian Buttler, friends with Alex while living in Recife. Now he’s living in Miami and thinking about what to do after his Summit Global Education – a study abroad program – he founded. Interested in EdTech… great conversation about the market and the kinds of companies that are being built nowadays.
Then at night we went to the Venetian Ball at Stanford – a formal party with around 1000 graduate students. Pretty much all of the LDT cohort went – great fun!
This past week has been crazy with a change in my Master’s project and searching for a job. I was unable to keep up with the blog postings so I decided today to do a quick overview of the past week since the last post:
Sunday, May 1
Tuesday, May 3
Wednesday, May 4
Thursday, May 5
Friday, May 6
Saturday, May 7
Sunday, May 8
Monday, May 9
Tuesday, May 10
Wednesday, May 11
Met with Alison to talk about helping Professor Thomas Schultz with the creation of an online course on Schoenberg’s Opus.
Also met with Grace earlier this week to talk about my Master’s project and summer internship – decided to go forward with it to get more experience in Instructional Design and the difficulties one faces when planning and creating online courses.
Good stuff 🙂
Sorry to say but the class was extremely boring… looking in more detail what we can do with Machine Learning and textual analysis…
We had the honor of being lecture by Claudia Costin, the Senior Director of Global Education at the World Bank and the previous Secretary of Education of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The talk was on “Enhancing Education – Challenges and opportunities in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro’s case)” and the discussant was Martin Carnoy.
It was scary to see the level of Brazilian’s education compared to the rest of the world. Particularly interesting was the fact that even the best performing students in Brazil are doing worse than most.
Another interesting fact is that private schools are NOT producing better students… the reason being that the teachers are being trained in the same manner, or by the same institutions that teach teachers in the public education system.
Teacher PD has to be improved…
LOFT Process Guides: Define Phase. Techniques: Writing Learning outcomes
An assessment is an exercise whose output can be used to measure the attainment of a learning objective. Assessments can serve two purposes: evaluate student performance and foster learning.”
Could your objectives describe an entire curriculum?
Do your objectives contain repetition and overlap?