First pictures

After waiting a little for the morning rain to stop I started walking around the area close to my hotel and taking some pictures.
It is a mixture of high rises and of tiny shops on the streets.
One of the things that impressed me the most are all of the pedestrian walkways on top of the roads connecting all of the buildings… and every single building has shopping malls…
Met with Thomas for lunch – a friend from college who has been living here for the past two years. Had some great Chinese food.
Then went to the Peak – a viewing area – you take a tram all the way to the top – very steep gradient.
At the top I lost my wallet somehow… must have fallen from my camera bag or, less likely, someone took it. The local authorities were extremely helpful in trying to locate it and were kind enough to let me go down the tram without a ticket. Bummer… fortunately I did not have that much money inside and only one credit card. My Brazilian driver’s license is gone so I will have to start walking around with my passport, which I hate doing…
I still have hope that they find it and call me giving the good news but I think it is really gone. Argh!!!
In any case, here are the pictures:

2 thoughts on “First pictures

  1. longoeu

    lux very nice text and photos and what a rich experience.
    here having a great 65 in these beautifull god´s mountains.
    very happy day skiing & all…

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